[Biostudent] UW STUDY ABROAD events for students on November 1st and 2nd -- please share!

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Tue Oct 25 12:09:44 PDT 2022


This November is <https://www.washington.edu/global/month/> UW Global
Month! It's a great opportunity for students to learn more about
opportunities to study abroad

On Tuesday, November 1st and Wednesday, November 2nd UW Study Abroad will be
hosting <https://www.washington.edu/studyabroad/about-us/events/> a
multi-day suite of events on Nov 1st and 2nd to kick off Global Month.

Join us in the HUB, rooms 332 and 334, to learn about study abroad
opportunities and hear from other students who have gone abroad. We are
highlighting different programs on different days.

Feel free to come and go throughout both afternoons!

Tuesday, November 1st, HUB 332 and HUB 334

1-1:45 PM Information Sessions:

Scholarships & Funding Opportunities (HUB 332)

Partner Programs Overview (HUB 334)

2-2:45 PM Information Sessions:

Scholarships & Funding Opportunities (HUB 332)

Exchange Programs Overview (HUB 334)

3-4:00 PM Mingle with study abroad returnees from different program types

Wednesday, November 2nd, HUB 332 and HUB 334

1-1:45 PM Information Sessions:

Scholarships & Funding Opportunities (HUB 332)

Faculty-led Programs Overview (HUB 334)

2-2:45 PM Information Sessions:

Scholarships & Funding Opportunities(HUB 332)

Rome in Residence (HUB 334)

3-4:00 PM Mingle with study abroad returnees from different program types

We look forward to seeing you in the HUB next week!!

The UW Study Abroad Team



Director, UW Study Abroad
Office of Global Affairs

459 Schmitz Hall / Box 355815
Seattle, WA 98195-5815


The University of Washington acknowledges the Coast Salish peoples of this
land, the land which touches the shared waters of all tribes and bands
within the Suquamish, Tulalip and Muckleshoot nations.

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