[Biostudent] PPIA's Junior Summer Institute: Summer program for undergraduates interested in Public Service Careers

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Tue Sep 6 09:50:05 PDT 2022

PPIA's Junior Summer Institute: Summer program for undergraduates interested in Public Service Careers


I am so excited to share that the application for <https://evans.uw.edu/academic-programs/undergraduate-programs/jsi/> Junior Summer Institute (JSI) opens on September 1! As part of <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/ppiaprogram.org/page/junior-summer-institute__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!iwG18SvdFHs0-hslQilwnbOEJE2OK74TaBO0nFYuAFAJ4-G9mP6JDlmcPdnwWyMJM-1QoSPeqSGvZyhEEYDw$> Public Policy and International Affairs [ppiaprogram.org] (PPIA) program that promotes the inclusion and full participation of underrepresented groups in domestic and international public service. The <https://evans.uw.edu/> UW Evans School’s JSI program is a fully-funded, rigorous seven-week summer program with a curriculum that includes economics, policy analysis, implementation, quantitative methods, and community engagement – all designed to sharpen students’ quantitative, analytic, and leadership skills.

Evans School JSI participants will also gain exposure to the breadth and richness of public service in the Pacific Northwest through experiential learning opportunities, including mentorship, field trips, and engagement with community-based practitioners, regional leaders, and elected officials.

What: Junior Summer Institute (JSI)

Who: Students entering their senior year of undergraduate study

When: June 20-August 5, 2023

Why: *Gain a deeper appreciation of current issues and trends in the field of public policy

*Enhance knowledge and skills to support future pursuit of careers in public policy & public service

*Exposure to curriculum that includes economics, quantitative methods, policy analysis & implementation, and leadership & community engagement

*Gain mentorship and shadowing exposure to practitioners in the field of public policy and public affairs.

Important Deadlines: September 1 - November 1, 2022

I’d appreciate your assistance in sharing the JSI program (flyer attached) with your networks, as appropriate. <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/app.smarterselect.com/programs/82571-Ppia-Program__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!iwG18SvdFHs0-hslQilwnbOEJE2OK74TaBO0nFYuAFAJ4-G9mP6JDlmcPdnwWyMJM-1QoSPeqSGvZ-f2ji7M$> Application [app.smarterselect.com] for Summer 2023 opens Today!

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