[Biostudent] DRS Student Technology job opportunity

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Mon Sep 19 09:48:51 PDT 2022

The Disability Resources for Students office has openings for a Technology &
Communications Assistant, job description attached.

UW Handshake [uw.joinhandshake.com]
qI$> Job Posting #6952690

This job is ideal for someone who enjoys tinkering and solving problems and
is interested in gaining direct experience with computer maintenance and
networking. Applicants curious about careers in Information Technology are
encouraged to apply. Students not signed up with Handshake can email a
resume directly to me. Work study students are encouraged to apply, but not
required for the position.

Thank you,

Andy Andrews

Andy Andrews, MCRP

Assistant Director, Academic Services

Disability Resources for Students


My Hours are: Monday - Fridays 10 A.M. - 7 P.M.

I Am First Gen

Ask me about being the first in my family to earn undergraduate and graduate

ADIAM TESFAY (she/her)

Disability Resources for Students

Students, get ahold of the DRS front desk to schedule a meeting with me.
Phone: 206-543-8924. Email: uwdrs at uw.edu <mailto:uwdrs at uw.edu> .

You can email drstest at uw.edu <mailto:drstest at uw.edu> with DRS testing
accommodation questions.

The University of Washington acknowledges the Coast Salish peoples of this
land. The land which touches the shared waters of all tribes and bands
within the Suquamish, Tulalip and Muckleshoot nations. This land
acknowledgement [native-land.ca]
qQ$> does not take the place of authentic relationships with indigenous
communities. If you too are a resident of Seattle, consider paying rent to
the Duwamish People [realrentduwamish.org]
pidT-zyCXfYQ$> .

011 Mary Gates Hall

Box 352808

Seattle, WA 98195-2808

Direct: 206.221.2453 Main 206-543-8924

<mailto:adiamt at uw.edu> adiamt at uw.edu / <http://disability.uw.edu/>

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is protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. This
information is being shared with the addressee(s) because of legitimate
educational interest. Any re-disclosure of this information must be done in
accordance with FERPA or the student's consent. If you are not the intended
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please notify me by telephone or email.

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