[Biostudent] A great ESRM Class for Autumn 2022: Forest Ecology (ESRM 490C)

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Tue Sep 20 10:20:39 PDT 2022

ESRM 490C , the undergraduate section of Forest Ecology. It is a 5-credit course, with the undergrad section only meeting MWF 1:30-2:20. No prerequisites.

Brief course summary - More information and syllabus attached.

ESRM 490C provides students with a foundation in forest ecology, using examples from the Pacific Northwest and around the world. We also build a deep understanding of current forest ecology research and topics from a diversity of perspectives.

Course Topics: Fires | Insect Outbreaks | Windstorms | Ecophysiology | Ecosystem Processes |

Succession | Old Growth | Biodiversity | Climate Change | Ecosystem Management

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