[Biostudent] Paid K-12 Education Direct-Service Opportunities for UW students! Please share!

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Wed Sep 21 14:42:38 PDT 2022

I want to share a couple of paid internship and direct-service opportunities
for UW students being offered through UW's Community Engagement & Leadership
Education (CELE) center. These opportunities are perfect for students
passionate about equity, considering working in the K12 education system and
who want to gain experience working with diverse communities and
stakeholders. More information below & please share with your student

Thank you!

College & Career Readiness Assistant (CCRA) Internship

The UW Dream Project is hiring undergraduate students to serve as College
and Career Readiness Assistant (CCRA) interns at local high schools and
middle schools for the 2022-2023 school year! CCRA interns will work
directly with middle and/or high school students to support post-secondary
preparation & planning including but not limited to working with students
on: college applications, financial aid, scholarship searching, and career
exploration. Specifically, interns will support traditionally underserved
students in navigating barriers to post-secondary education opportunities.

This is an academic year long paid internship and students will consistently
work 10-12 hours per week excluding UW breaks and holidays. CCRAs work at
their school placement site for 10-12 hours/week and attend a bi-weekly
2-hour professional development session at the UW Seattle campus. CCRA
interns also can earn academic credit towards the
leadership minor through LEAD 298B. This internship is Work Study eligible
and pays $17.27/hour.

For more information about the CCRA Internship visit:
ess-assistant-intern/> College & Career Readiness Assistants (CCRAs):
Community Engagement & Leadership Education (CELE) Center (uw.edu)

2022-2023 CCRA Internship Application:
hJ2vyr_GKAnD5g$> https://forms.gle/vR7Fq1jaCookfCH56 [forms.gle]

America Reads Tutors

The CELE center is hiring undergraduate students to serve as tutors that
will work in local Seattle elementary schools for up to 19 hours per week
for the 2022-2023 school year! Tutors will work directly with students in
grades K-5 focusing on building literacy and early math skills. Tutors
support the Seattle Public Schools' effort to promote educational equity for
all students, with a focus on under-resourced schools.

This is a Work-Study eligible, academic year long, paid position. Tutors can
work up to 19 hours per week. This position pays $17.27/hour.

For more information about the America Reads Tutor positions visit:
udy-tutor/> America Reads Work Study Tutor: Community Engagement &
Leadership Education (CELE) Center (uw.edu)

2022-2023 America Reads Tutor Application:
hJ2vyr8rhGFDfQ$> https://forms.gle/FBbino6JCHRMpH256 [forms.gle]

*Both above positions are managed by CELE's Program Manager of School Based
Internships, Emma Pelletier, you can reach her at egbp at uw.edu
<mailto:egbp at uw.edu> with any specific questions.

Jessica Hunnicutt Batten, M.Ed. (she/her/hers)

Director, Local P12 Education Partnerships |
M-UZ58A$> Dream Project [dreamproject.org]

Community Engagement & Leadership Education (CELE) Center

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

MGH 171 | Box 352803

<mailto:hunnij at uw.edu> hunnij at uw.edu | 206.685.8381

<https://cele.uw.edu/> https://cele.uw.edu

You are not expected to respond to this message outside of your normal
working hours.

My General Working Hours: Mon-Weds 10am-6pm, Thurs & Fri 8:00am-5:00pm PST

We acknowledge the people - past, present, and future - of the
Dkhw'Duw'Absh, the Duwamish Tribe, the Muckleshoot Tribe, and other tribes
on whose traditional lands we study and work. To find out whose Native Land
you occupy, visit:
7Q$> https://native-land.ca/ [native-land.ca]

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