[Biostudent] ETCH Officer Elections

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Mon Sep 26 09:19:04 PDT 2022

Education Transforming Community Health (ETCH) is a student organization that offers weekly health education sessions to homeless adults in downtown Seattle. Through our community partnerships, we strive to create a health education curriculum that bridges evidence-based practice and the voices of the many homeless communities in Seattle. We aim to provide knowledge, skills, and tools to improve the quality of life of our participants.

The ETCH officer application is now OPEN! If you're interested in becoming more involved with ETCH and gaining leadership experience, please consider applying for an ETCH officer position for the 2022-2023 school year. In general, the officers work as a team on collective goals. Each officer also has individual responsibilities, which are listed below. Those selected will meet with current officers for training on these tasks. You do not need to have volunteered with us before to apply as an officer!

Link to application: https://forms.gle/p7TCoBHuxjQPue5H8 [forms.gle] <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.gle/p7TCoBHuxjQPue5H8__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!j4SJb-Zfe_nwoUN4VGVIqs_tqelK_t5U2xjf_4AJXmz6C6MY9hy4lfu6zsUgF3AfjccHpuljcR5hOWaPEFZuHmNGV4k$>

DEADLINE: September 30th, 11:59pm

Officer descriptions are below:

Program Coordinator

* Manage officers and volunteers

* Keep in touch with SHIFA

o Attend SHIFA board meetings

* Plan volunteer meetings

* Update ETCH Constitution

* Update Volunteer Handbook

* Register RSO

Volunteer Coordinator - Recruitment

* Read over volunteer interest forms, respond to interested volunteers

* Schedule & conduct interviews

* Send forms and ensure they are signed

* Maintain a volunteer list

* Maintain a waitlist

Volunteer Coordinator - Track it Forward

* Keep Track It Forward updated

* Approve log submissions

* Place session reflections in drive folder

* Update google sheet with names and phone numbers of volunteers

* Keep an eye out for inactive volunteers

* Assist interviews

Outreach & Advocacy Chair

* Connect ETCH with volunteer opportunities and partnerships

o In the community or on campus

* Update Facebook page

* Find relevant events or potential speakers for meetings

Supplies & Resources Chair

* Manage ETCH bank account and budget

* Monitor supplies at URS

o Purchase new supplies as needed

* Issue volunteer reimbursements

* Engage in fundraising if necessary

Quality Improvement Chair

* Update and organize templates & education curriculum

* Review feedback from volunteers

* Generate materials/activities for new topics and submit to SHIFA for approval

* Organize google drive

Please reach out if you have any questions!

Officer Team

Education Transforming Community Health (E.T.C.H.)

<mailto:etchseattle at gmail.com> etchseattle at gmail.com | etchseattle.org [etchseattle.org] <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/etchseattle.org__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!j4SJb-Zfe_nwoUN4VGVIqs_tqelK_t5U2xjf_4AJXmz6C6MY9hy4lfu6zsUgF3AfjccHpuljcR5hOWaPEFZuEqq0OqU$>

Expanding health education in Washington.

(c): 206-518-8836

Instagram [instagram.com] <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.instagram.com/uwetchseattle__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!j4SJb-Zfe_nwoUN4VGVIqs_tqelK_t5U2xjf_4AJXmz6C6MY9hy4lfu6zsUgF3AfjccHpuljcR5hOWaPEFZukhqnpvU$> | Facebook [facebook.com] <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.facebook.com/ETCHseattle__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!j4SJb-Zfe_nwoUN4VGVIqs_tqelK_t5U2xjf_4AJXmz6C6MY9hy4lfu6zsUgF3AfjccHpuljcR5hOWaPEFZubEjBfzc$>

Reply to this address with any inquiries or to be unsubscribed from our mailing list. Thank you!

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