[Biostudent] Goldwater Scholarship - please encourage sophomores & juniors planning for research careers in STEM to apply

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Tue Sep 27 16:32:45 PDT 2022

Subject: Goldwater Scholarship - please encourage sophomores & juniors
planning for research careers in STEM to apply


GOLDWATER SCHOLARSHIP: apply now for UW nomination!

The UW application for students interested in seeking nomination for the
Goldwater Scholarship <https://new.expo.uw.edu/expo/scholarships/goldwater>
is now available! Sophomores and juniors (based on graduation date),
including transfer students, in STEM fields engaged in research and planning
for research careers should consider applying!


The BARRY GOLDWATER SCHOLARSHIP [goldwaterscholarship.gov]
8ZtmRA$> is designed to attract outstanding students into research careers
in mathematics, the natural sciences, and engineering. The scholarship
covers undergraduate eligible expenses for tuition, fees, books, and room
and board up to $7,500 per academic year.

UW DEADLINE to apply for nomination: November 8, 2022

* Apply at https://expo.uw.edu/expo/apply/674


Attend an upcoming information session to learn more about eligibility and
suitability for the Goldwater Scholarship program, as well as the campus
application, support, and nomination process:

* Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2022, 4:30pm (in-person) RSVP HERE
* Wednesday, Oct. 12, 12:30pm (online) RSVP HERE

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