[Biostudent] Food Systems Major Info Sessions & Application Deadline

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Wed Sep 28 10:29:40 PDT 2022

The next application deadline for the Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health
major is Friday, Oct. 14.

Food Systems: The Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health Major is an
interdisciplinary degree and exposes students to the complex intersections
and relationships among food and culture, economics, the environment, labor,
policy, population health, and social justice.

How to Apply: Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health is a minimum requirement
major. Access the online application via
<https://nutr.uw.edu/undergraduate/foodsystems/apply/> our website.

Information Sessions for AUT 2022 (held virtually via
bmwu31FzrvDXQJ2NOzQ$> Zoom [washington.zoom.us]):

Thurs., 10/13, 1:30-2:30PM

Thurs., 11/17, 1:30-2:30PM

Thurs., 12/15, 1:30-2:30PM

Questions? Additional information about the major is on our
<http://nutr.uw.edu/> website and in the attached program overview. See our
<https://nutr.uw.edu/news-events/calendar/> calendar for upcoming
information sessions and drop-in advising times or contact us at
<mailto:ugnutr at uw.edu> ugnutr at uw.edu.




Lisa Nordlund (Pronouns: she/her)

Senior Adviser

<http://nutr.uw.edu/> Nutritional Sciences Program

University of Washington

(206) 543-8333

305-B Raitt Hall <https://www.washington.edu/maps/#!/rai>

Box 353410

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