[Biostudent] Center for Quantitative Science: Summer 2023 Teaching Assistant Positions

Biology Advising bioladv at uw.edu
Tue Apr 4 10:52:28 PDT 2023

Center for Quantitative Science: Summer 2023 Teaching Assistant Positions

The Center for Quantitative Science is accepting part-time (50% FTE) Teaching Assistant applications for a new online summer offering of Q SCI 381. The priority deadline is Monday, April 10, 2023, but we will accept applications until the positions are filled.

Q SCI 381: Intro to Probability and Statistics (Online, asynchronous format)
Instructor: Timothy Jones
Hiring 1-2 Teaching Assistants depending on enrollment numbers
Class dates are June 20 – August 18, 2023 (Summer Full Term). This class will be offered online, asynchronous, but weekly online help sessions will be offered (days and times are still to be determined). The TAs will support the course instructor and should expect to work approximately 20 hours/week.
Compensation: Two months of the TA Salary Rate (Schedule 1 <chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https:/grad.uw.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022-23-TA-RA-SA_salary_chart.pdf>) based on the student’s graduate level, plus 20% supplemental summer pay. Total pay will be approximately $6202/$6669/$7166 depending on student’s graduate level.

Teaching Assistant (TA) Position Description

TAs at 50% FTE should expect to average approximately 20 hours/week, for the full summer quarter, June 20 – August 18, 2023
Running virtual labs and help sessions
Grading homework and exams
Maintaining virtual office hours
TAs are generally expected to attend the courses to which they are assigned

For Q SCI 381, must be competent in statistics and have familiarity with R
Current academic standing as a UW Graduate Student and eligibility to hold a Graduate Student Assistantship
Availability for full appointment and class time frame (see appointment dates above)
Background and enthusiasm to communicate effectively with biology, zoology, conservation, ecology, and natural resource management students
Equivalent education/experience will substitute for all minimum qualifications except when there are legal requirements, such as a license/certification/registration

A 50% FTE Teaching Assistantship pays a stipend that varies depending on graduate level as indicated on Schedule 1 of the UW TA Salary Chart <chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https:/grad.uw.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022-23-TA-RA-SA_salary_chart.pdf>. Contact the Center for Quantitative Science office for more information on stipend levels.
Teaching Assistants will be required to register for 2 credits for summer quarter.
The operating fee (tuition) will be paid by CQS. However, the successful applicant will be responsible for paying any student fees.
Graduate Appointee accident/sickness insurance will be provided.
This job classification is governed by a negotiated labor contract and is subject to union shop provisions.

Application Process:

Application Deadline: The priority deadline is Monday, April 10, 2023, but we will accept applications until the positions are filled. Applicants will be notified by email of our decision.

Submit the following to owense at uw.edu <mailto:owense at uw.edu>:

Resume/CV (in PDF format):
Include your home department, advisor, and academic status (“Masters Student”, “PhD Student, but haven’t completed general exam”, or “PhD Student, completed general exam”).
List all previous TA and reader/grader positions held for any UW department. Include your evaluation score for each position.

Cover letter including (in PDF format):
Brief statement of how your skills and experiences are a match for the position
List the specific Q SCI TA position(s) you are applying for
List Q SCI or equivalent courses you have completed
List any Q SCI TA positions you have applied for in the past, both positions you were offered and ones you were not offered. (This information will be used to help us distribute TA positions more equitably.)

Questions? Contact owense at uw.edu <mailto:owense at uw.edu>.

The University of Washington is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. To request disability accommodation in the application process, contact the Disability Services Office at 206.543.6450/206.543.6452 (tty) or dso at u.washington.edu <mailto:dso at u.washington.edu>.

Erica Owens
CQS/QERM/QSCI Program Coordinator

Center for Quantitative Science
Quantitative Ecology and Resource Management
University of Washington
Mailbox #357941
Seattle, Washington 98105
(206) 616-9571
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