[Biostudent] ASUW is hiring for paid student employees!

Biology Advising bioladv at uw.edu
Tue Apr 11 11:11:27 PDT 2023

ASUW is hiring for paid student employees!
The ASUW is the democratic voice of the student body. Our branches of student government, alongside ASUW entities and diversity commissions, provide programming, services, and student advocacy to combat inequities and serve students at all levels. With over 70 student employees, ASUW has jobs that range from running a radio station to advocating for students to being a bike mechanic. Hours are flexible and all offices are in the HUB. More information and applications can be found at jobs.asuw.org <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/jobs.asuw.org__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!lF5uSO_JZl3oiQbVIm5uVwlHuLckheYgNDpkkb1oo-ndo4wwODY6eBHo6HcKqWrXJlz8-dAEUPwqJEw-$> - deadlines for various jobs close on a rolling basis.

ASUW Elections will be held April 17-19th.
The ASUW Board of Directors votes on legislation that impacts students - from establishing health care vending machines to creating a legislative agenda every year, the Board's decisions impact all spheres of student life. Check out candidate platforms on vote.asuw.org  <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/vote.asuw.org__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!lF5uSO_JZl3oiQbVIm5uVwlHuLckheYgNDpkkb1oo-ndo4wwODY6eBHo6HcKqWrXJlz8-dAEUK_tte5w$>and tune in to vote between April 17-19th.

Avery Perreault [she/her]
ASUW Communications Director
E-Mail <mailto:asuwbdcm at uw.edu> | Office Hours <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/hours.asuw.org/index.php?user=asuwbdcm__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!lF5uSO_JZl3oiQbVIm5uVwlHuLckheYgNDpkkb1oo-ndo4wwODY6eBHo6HcKqWrXJlz8-dAEULyWpk6h$> | @asuwseattle <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.instagram.com/asuwseattle/?hl=en__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!lF5uSO_JZl3oiQbVIm5uVwlHuLckheYgNDpkkb1oo-ndo4wwODY6eBHo6HcKqWrXJlz8-dAEUI9eHKqA$>
HUB 131J | (206) 310-0395

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The ASUW acknowledges the stewards of Coast Salish lands, the lands on which many of us currently sit and the UW occupies. We acknowledge the original and current caretakers; Duwamish, Suquamish, Tulalip, and Muckleshoot nations and peoples.

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