[Biostudent] Science Explorers!

Biology Advising bioladv at uw.edu
Wed Apr 12 13:16:18 PDT 2023

Hello all,
The UW Science Explorers are currently recruiting for Spring 2023! We are a student-led organization that does outreach at a local elementary school.

We have 2 upcoming information sessions:
· In person with free pizza in CSE AE 107, 11 am-12 pm on April 13th.
o Please RSVP and inform us of any dietary restrictions at uwscienceexplorer at gmail.com <mailto:uwscienceexplorer at gmail.com>
· On zoom 3-4 pm on April 13th.
o Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/96540149700 <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/washington.zoom.us/j/96540149700__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!gMenimRSkJqasUObXyey8h7S19veqxlURCiX6bv3-7n5W62q9tTpoG4IN8nxAqr3NYTBEFSqqTBCzIU$>
o No need to RSVP for the zoom session!
Hope to see you there! Email uwscienceexplorer at gmail.com <mailto:uwscienceexplorer at gmail.com> if you have any questions!

Jazzmine Waugh

Jazzmine Waugh (she/her)
Biology: Data Science
PhD Candidate
Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team
University of Washington
allen21 at uw.edu
<mailto:allen21 at uw.edu>

Jazzmine Waugh (she/her)
Biology: Data Science
PhD Candidate
Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team
University of Washington
allen21 at uw.edu
<mailto:allen21 at uw.edu>

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