[Biostudent] Survey about course evaluations

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Thu Apr 13 11:21:48 PDT 2023

Student input is vital to ensuring quality instruction at UW. That is why we
want to better understand your experience with student course evaluations
through this spring's Husky Check-in survey <https://survey.uaa.uw.edu/> .
Husky Check-ins are administered by the Office of Educational Assessment
(OEA) two to three times a year and are supported by student leaders at UW.
This one should take no more than 5 minutes to complete, is open to all
students across all UW campuses, and can be completed through Wednesday,
April 26. Results from prior check-ins can be found here
<https://www.washington.edu/assessment/reports/husky-check-in/> . Thank you
in advance for participating and contributing to improving UW for all
students. Here is the link to the survey: https://survey.uaa.uw.edu

Sean Gehrke, Ph.D.

Director, Office of Educational Assessment

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Affiliate Assistant Professor, UW College of Education

UW Tower T-12, Box 359447, Seattle, WA 98195

206.543.9956 | <mailto:sjgehrke at uw.edu> sjgehrke at uw.edu


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