[Biostudent] Fwd: SASE UW: MBL Aging Research Summer Internship Info Session!

Biology Advising bioladv at uw.edu
Thu Apr 20 09:35:54 PDT 2023

> Begin forwarded message:


> From: Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers <sase at uw.edu>

> Subject: SASE UW: MBL Aging Research Summer Internship Info Session!

> Date: April 19, 2023 at 4:47:36 PM PDT




> Information about the event is below. Thanks in advance.



> SASE UW presents: MBL Aging Research Summer Internship Info Session!


> Come to our event on Friday, April 28th at 4:30PM in HUB 238 to learn more about the rapidly growing field of aging research and an exciting summer internship opportunity at the Marine Biological Laboratories! The internship as the

> summer course assistant is a unique opportunity to learn and grow in the field of aging research. There will be snacks provided.





> RSVP now! bit.ly/SASExMBL <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://bit.ly/SASExMBL__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!mY8mW8xhM3hpXf2n4vhV-fHdcpo7aS0X9MXQ2G3--l2zqBfVBJQ6aGvkY4YUbGJV13dxpoSdUx8$>


> Looking forward to seeing everyone there!


> Best,

> SASE UW Officer Team

> ----------

> Society of Asian Scientists & Engineers - UW Chapter <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.facebook.com/saseuw/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!mY8mW8xhM3hpXf2n4vhV-fHdcpo7aS0X9MXQ2G3--l2zqBfVBJQ6aGvkY4YUbGJV13dxeFn9voU$>

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