[Biostudent] Students! Attend May 3rd Info Session on the Jackson School's International Studies major

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Mon Apr 24 10:52:07 PDT 2023

Dear Students,

Are you interested in international studies?!

If so, the Jackson School of International Studies (JSIS) offers majors,
minors, and/or courses open for you to take in the field of international
studies (and beyond)!

Come find out more about the Jackson School's Global and Regional Studies

Meet faculty, other students, learn more about JSIS resources and enjoy a
late lunch or early dinner (pizza will be served).

Day: Wednesday

Date: May 3rd

Time: 3:30pm-4:30pm

Location: THO 317

Topic: The benefits of declaring an open major such as the Jackson School of
International Studies' Global and Regional Studies

Questions: email Sabrina Tatta sabri at uw.edu <mailto:sabri at uw.edu> or Joni
Marts jmarts at uw.edu <mailto:jmarts at uw.edu> or book an appt here:

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