[Biostudent] HIHIM Virtual Open House TODAY at 5PM!

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Thu Apr 27 10:46:00 PDT 2023

The Health Informatics & Health Information Management B.S. major is hosting
a virtual open house today, Thursday, Aprill 27th from 5-6:15pm via Zoom.

The event will feature information about the program presented by HIHIM
staff, career and job opportunities presented by the program faculty
director, and a panel with current students.

RSVP is required; please register here
hInformaticsHealthInformationManagementProgram at cloud.washington.edu/bookings
uRfxwOnwr7R8RlarasLV9RjiruQStwHcWFyPvHmVJ0x_BMs0KQb$> .

We will also be hosting our last information session on May 10th before our
May 15th application deadline. More info on our website
ons> .

We encourage anyone interested in the program to attend one or both events.
Please share with any prospective students.


Andrea Vargas (she/her)
Program Adviser & Student Services Manager
Health Informatics & Health Information Management (HIHIM) Major

School of Public Health

I Am First Gen
avarg at uw.edu <mailto:avarg at uw.edu> /
Schedule an Appointment


T on-campus (H-wing)

M/W/Th/F offsite

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