[Biostudent] Biology Undergraduate Awards Information Session, Wednesday, December 6th, 4 PM

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Mon Dec 4 13:21:49 PST 2023

Are you interested in learning more about the Biology departmental research awards and scholarships<https://www.biology.washington.edu/programs/undergraduate/awards?field_stu_award_quarter_value%5B%5D=Win>? The Winter awards cycle is opening soon and we invite you to come to an open information session! We'll have small snacks, and I'll make a short presentation and answer questions you may have about the process.

Biology Undergraduate Awards Information Session
Wednesday, December 6th, 4 PM
LSB Greenhouse Classroom

A little background information:

* Biology runs two award cycles during the academic year, one in the Autumn (just closed) and one in the Winter (will open in the new year!)
* Declared Biology undergraduates are eligible to apply for these awards and scholarships
* Scholarships provide tuition support and require demonstrated financial need as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid
* Research awards support research expenses and conferences. Demonstrated financial need is not required for research awards

I'll be spotlighting a few key scholarships and awards, such as these ones:

* Are you a plant major or doing research in the Greenhouse? The Varanasi scholarship and the May Garrett Hayes scholarship may be a great fit for you!

* Are you on the premed track? The Dr. Donald Kelts Family Scholarship would be a great fit! Also, if you are a rising senior (3rd year) and are on the premed track, the Susan Huscroft Scholarship may be for you.

* Have you written a published research paper? The Franco Award would be something for you to apply for!

* Have you been a peer facilitator for a Biology class? Apply for the Ingrith Deyrup-Olsen Peer Facilitator Award!

* Planning to enroll in classes at FHL in the spring or summer and need funds for housing? The Friday Harbor Labs Award has got you covered!

* Are you doing exciting undergraduate research in the biological sciences and could use funds for supplies or research related travel? We have research awards for that!

If you plan on attending, please fill out this quick Google Form<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.gle/7ryrMqH2xPix5d2R8__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!m1t7XxTXHVICF-K79eWazr34kGt-RpicZZMoNqxBLCQ-AW_AcBV_AChBGEyvysF3WtMIiSKhSsJjxqo9n-CvoAKP37YU2X9PMzSGa2PFo1M$> so that I can get a headcount.

Reach out to me at joyceca at uw.edu<mailto:joyceca at uw.edu> if you have any questions.


Advancement and Communications Officer
Department of Biology
Kincaid Hall, Room 157
Box 351800 Seattle, WA 98195
joyceca at uw.edu<mailto:joyceca at uw.edu>

Working schedule: M-Th, 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM; In office Tues & Wed


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