[Biostudent] Space Available! ESRM 451 / Q SCI 451: Analytical Methods in Wildlife Science

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Fri Dec 8 11:07:54 PST 2023

Interested in Wildlife Science? This course is not often available to students outside of SEFS, but turns out there are some spots still available here! Check it out:

ESRM 451 / Q SCI 451: Analytical Methods in Wildlife Science
WIN 2024 | NSc| 3 credits
Space available! Open to Graduate Students and Undergraduate Students.
Foundational methods in data analysis for wildlife and fisheries populations.
Instructor will consider bypassing prerequisites with appropriate previous experience or coursework! Email instructor here: bg43 at uw.edu<mailto:bg43 at uw.edu>

See attached flyer for more details.

Liz Collier

Graduate Program Advisor

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