[Biostudent] Student Organization - [Washington iGEM Recruitment] New Info Session Announcement

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Tue Dec 12 15:43:32 PST 2023


Washington iGEM is recruiting for the 2023-2024 Competition Season! We are a fully undergraduate-led synthetic biology project team, meaning we harness the power of living organisms and proteins to address a wide range of global issues, and are the only undergraduate group with a designated lab space. Every year, we design a new project to compete in the international iGEM Competition.

The team is an opportunity for students to participate in a wide range of applied biology work, from bench work to computer modeling and social impact research, as well as supporting tasks like marketing and web development. We are an interdisciplinary team and encourage applications from all types of majors. We accept applications from freshman, sophomores, and juniors (we cannot accept seniors graduating at the end of this year as our competition season runs into fall of next year).

If you would like to learn more about our team or about the application process, we will be holding an information session at 4 pm on Tuesday, December 19th over Zoom (https://washington.zoom.us/j/5054619776<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://washington.zoom.us/j/5054619776__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!hmoryzh6KSpTItLGS36vxfXiK5qCJowxPfHLxhxpv4xNiESrmG_F_lTLr4gLI7JFgj4ugPhlw2NT9A$>). We hope to see you there!

Please also visit our website (https://students.washington.edu/uwigem/#/) or check us out on Instagram at @washington_igem<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.instagram.com/washington_igem/?hl=en__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!jLTBozXIAeK8slhX7ZpIrX9vIleG1QHxkJz8zgJwSbQ69LvkMAiST8OMMF_T-eRTNi55g6gl7W5o_A$> for more information. Feel free to email us questions at uwigem at uw.edu<mailto:uwigem at uw.edu> as well.

You can apply through this form (which is also on the website): https://forms.gle/QzQDQ23ebBaPMG5i7<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://forms.gle/QzQDQ23ebBaPMG5i7__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!hmoryzh6KSpTItLGS36vxfXiK5qCJowxPfHLxhxpv4xNiESrmG_F_lTLr4gLI7JFgj4ugPhX4YQChQ$>. The application closes at 11:59 pm on Wednesday, January 3rd, which is the first day of winter quarter. A link to subteam descriptions is included on the application form.
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