[Biostudent] Study Abroad Nepal, Applications due February 15th

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Wed Feb 1 11:19:04 PST 2023


We wanted to let you know about the InterAction Nepal | Participatory Public Health study abroad program. See below and the attached flyer!

InterAction Nepal | Participatory Public Health | Autumn | 2023

InterAction | Nepal | Participatory Public Health is an immersive, interdisciplinary study abroad program offered with the support of the UW Public Health-Global Health Major. It is open to undergraduate students from any discipline.

The program will challenge students to delve into contemporary issues in public health in Nepal and respond to them at a local scale. UW students will work with students from Kathmandu University and residents of a Nepali community to plan, implement and evaluate projects related to public health. They will also have the opportunity to pursue their own research interests through independent study.

The program is based in the Kathmandu Valley and Dhulikhel / Kavre District. Program
activities include lectures and discussions, organizational site visits, excursions to
urban and rural areas, community workshops and hands-on project implementation.

Information Sessions:

Online | Wednesday, February 1st, at 5PM PST
Online | Thursday, February 2nd, at 5PM PST
Online + In-person | Monday, February 6th, at 5PM PST | Hans Rosling Center | Rm G-120

Zoom Link:

https://washington.zoom.us/j/96636848570 <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/washington.zoom.us/j/96636848570__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!jz4POxrVQYikDcnYtuq5Dw7MWu2i0YcBC_FOJuDzteLvjY4SmaUi4JAZyzd9mo-eVi3x-ZXS8XQM8ENjWEZH$>

Program Brochure / Applications:

Please visit the UW Study Abroad application portal here <https://studyabroad.washington.edu/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgramAngular&id=12254&_ga=2.186587565.569874477.1674829418-265360797.1617345001&_gl=1*8dwkum*_ga*MjY1MzYwNzk3LjE2MTczNDUwMDE.*_ga_3T65WK0BM8*MTY3NDg4MzA1MS4xNi4xLjE2NzQ4ODM0NTAuMC4wLjA.> .

Applications Due: February 15th, 2022*

*UW Study Abroad Scholarships will only be available to students who apply to the program by February 15th. Applications submitted after February 15th will be considered on a rolling basis, if space is still available.

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