[Biostudent] *Volunteer Opportunity* Pre-health? Looking for meaningful, personal volunteering? Looking for a leadership opportunity on campus?

Biology Advising bioladv at uw.edu
Tue Feb 7 09:46:23 PST 2023

*Volunteer Opportunity* Pre-health? Looking for meaningful, personal volunteering? Looking for a leadership opportunity on campus?

Perfect Pair (perfectpair.org <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.perfectpair.org/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!hz7UTuccz1q0B0WoY8rZ6ktn3vReR1XM8GKgw2qQ71IPw5OsXzPukxZF3VH_erO8XmysUd-HX8eoVzgJeyJtwtHxxGZGNtDmYZ2kNWCUXU0$>) is a new student organization on campus that connects seniors in living communities with college students. This is not a cookie-cutter volunteer program (not the normal group Bingo or Ice Cream Socials). We match volunteers & seniors based on mutual interests, hobbies, & backgrounds, making each connection individualized to fit the pair. This means you will be making a direct impact on a senior who shares something in common with you, & who may not have visitors or other forms of interaction otherwise.

We are looking for volunteers who are students to be matched with seniors in your community and help facilitate meaningful connections!

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please fill out the linked interest form and you will get more information in upcoming emails!

Current UW students only. Please email pvemula at uw.edu <mailto:pvemula at uw.edu> if you have any questions!

Find the match interest form here: https://forms.gle/ewFtd4vCK2pdJTWNA <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://forms.gle/ewFtd4vCK2pdJTWNA__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!hz7UTuccz1q0B0WoY8rZ6ktn3vReR1XM8GKgw2qQ71IPw5OsXzPukxZF3VH_erO8XmysUd-HX8eoVzgJeyJtwtHxxGZGNtDmYZ2kkdKyVeM$>

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