[Biostudent] Summer research opportunities in Natural Resources/Forestry/Ecology for undergrad students

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Tue Feb 7 10:50:36 PST 2023

Ernesto Alvarado,
Associate Professor of Wildland Fire Sciences
Pacific Wildland Fire Sciences Laboratory
School of Environmental and Forest Sciences
University of Washington UW (206) 616-6920
Seattle, WA 98195 Email: alvarado at uw.edu <mailto:alvarado at uw.edu>

Lab Website

########### Position Summary and linked application form ###############

Overview: The Pacific Wildland Fire Sciences Laboratory at the University of Washington and the USFS Pacific Northwest Research Station are looking for 6 paid student positions to assist in the collection of data in large wildfires in the Mendocino and Plumas National Forests in California. We are looking at post fire harvesting and restoration of forest burned by recent large wildfires.

Job Location: Seattle, WA (home station); study sites are located in the Plumas, and Mendocino National Forests in California.

Closing Info: Open until filled

Salary: $19.87 per hour, overtime eligible

Duration: Temporary

Desired Start Date: June 10, 2023

Desired End Date: August 31, 2023

*** Note: Transportation to Seattle and/or worksite will be provided by employer***

Please see attached document for full job description, requirements, and qualifications. To apply, fill out the application here: APPLICATION <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/forms/d/1cmpvnPN0Pg-KT3LxYJ7a1kReqeonfXCUCLeli_s8swk/prefill__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!l3MH4Tq7om7T53U49wbIb02qhy41bOhp0HcouxLLkr-y0dV-On_kLeWGeLwZ224SGVZK8UuxTWl3eaaM$>


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