[Biostudent] Public Service Fellowship Funding for Summer 2023

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Thu Feb 9 15:03:46 PST 2023

Public Service Fellowship Funding for Summer 2023

Hello campus friends,

As part of the
/> NextGen Civic Leader Corps project, I am thrilled to announce a new
summer fellowship program for students interested in exploring careers in
nonprofit or government organizations.

/> NextGen Public Service Fellowship will support students in identifying a
public service internship and/or developing a work plan with their
community-based partner organization. We welcome applications from students
with ongoing work with community-based organizations and/or those working in
local, state, or federal government internships--as well as applications
from students who are interested in these positions and need support in
identifying or securing a position.

Students selected into the program will work with program staff to develop
internships in the spring, then complete their community-based work and
participate in cohort activities during the summer months. Fellows receive a
$5000 stipend for completing an internship of 200 hours (or more) between
May and September. Ongoing participation in the NextGen Civic Leader Corps
is encouraged, but not required.

The application is open now and due on February 28. Please forward this
opportunity to undergraduate students in your network who have an interest
in careers that serve the public interest and who may not otherwise be able
to pursue these internship opportunities during the summer months.

/> Eligibility requirements and the application process are detailed on the
CELE Center website. Interested students or advisors can also attend our
information session on Monday, February 13 at 3:30PM in MGH 171 or feel free
to follow-up with me directly.

Thanks for helping us find an amazing cohort for this new summer fellowship




Director of Community Engagement
Community Engagement and Leadership Education (CELE)
Center for Experiential Learning & Diversity

Mary Gates Hall Box 352803

Mary Gates Hall Suite 171 Seattle, WA 98195-2803


purschk at uw.edu <mailto:purschk at uw.edu> / <http://uw.edu/carlson>


The University of Washington acknowledges the Coast Salish peoples of this
land, the land which touches the shared waters of all tribes and bands
within the Suquamish, Tulalip and Muckleshoot nations.

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