[Biostudent] Internship- SER-UW Native Plant Nursery

Jason L. Patterson patterj at uw.edu
Tue Feb 14 19:00:00 PST 2023

The SER-UW Native Plant Nursery is a student-led operation that houses several thousand individual plants and nearly one hundred different species native to the Puget Sound. Our mission is to provide a local source of native plants for student projects and restoration sites, to educate students on best nursery practices for sustainable native plant production, and to continue to improve those practices through research and collaboration with students and community partners.

The nursery is seeking student interns for the Spring quarter. Interns are expected to devote an average of 9 hours a week to nursery projects. In conjunction with the manager, interns will develop learning objectives based on individual interests and strengths, receiving credit for their school's internship class (ex: ESRM 399, BIOL 399). The interns' time will be split between routine plant maintenance, integrated pest management, nursery infrastructure projects, helping with weekly volunteer work parties, and an individual project. Each intern produces an individual project based around their interests and the needs of the nursery. Projects have included, but are not limited to; data tracking or analysis, experiments, infrastructure improvements or proposals, community outreach and social media, or industry whitepapers.

To apply, email a resume and cover letter. Please indicate why you would like to be considered, what you want to learn, and how your previous work experience and/or coursework apply to this position. To apply or request more information, email nursery manager, Lea Dyga, at sernursery at gmail.com<mailto:sernursery at gmail.com>. Deadline is Wednesday, March 1st, 2023. More information can also be found at our website, https://sites.uw.edu/seruwnursery/get-involved/nursery-internships/.


Let me know if you have any questions. We greatly appreciate you passing on this opportunity!

Many thanks,
Lea Dyga (they/she)
SER-UW Native Plant Nursery Manager
AmeriCorps CLEC Member
University of Washington Botanic Gardens
[https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1rMHy9wUPJwUqzsz5ROeOYvhmxYzpC6d1&revid=0B5O2YEQoAM9cL0diaFpwODdKMVo2enRJZG1heXA2SjF4QkdVPQ]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/wacampuscoalition.org/clec__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!hTsWuByec-ZPIiOGpgpA0gKf5BKv1liY9r7poUabaPLzFXkJ2mgRHJihWqQgiX2aYr3YKQqquv4y$> [https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1ATJKZaM8fGJvQw7scaXwSiZY2GlVz2ng&revid=0B5O2YEQoAM9cM2JnYVZPa3JycjNEL25oblZZK0lWeUlYSEFnPQ] <https://botanicgardens.uw.edu/>
WEB<https://sites.uw.edu/seruwnursery/> - INSTA<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.instagram.com/sernursery/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!kaZ9fOEG4h79LW-Dk-Vjk-0La1ITu1sf3la3bLTDrUwmcdfnOXC2I6VHrxGHjFIdcytwXsOhRcBGXtuOLg$>
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