[Biostudent] 2-21 Buerk Center Digest + Entrepreneurship Opportunities

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Wed Feb 22 10:57:02 PST 2023

2-Week ENTRE Digest | February 21, 2023

Advisers, hope you had a great long weekend! Please share the following
events and opportunities with your students. Thank you!

Attend: Dempsey Startup Competition Info Sessions

In Person: Tuesday, March 7 in PACCAR 299 (Deloitte Commons) 11:00AM -

Virtual: Tuesday, February 28 5:00PM-6:00PM and Tuesday, March 14
The Dempsey Startup Competition provides a real-world experience for student
entrepreneurs, promoting student ideas and new venture creation to the
entrepreneurial community. In this information session we will review the
timeline, structure, and rules of the 2023 Competition. You will also have
the opportunity to look at past application samples. Stick around after the
session to network at Team Tuesday to recruit additional teammates or find a
team to join!

zFeVcxR3Z-RsYgQU$> In-Person RSVP |Virtual RSVP
Gf1URzrRzFeVcxR3ZZV4X2iw$> |
ompetitions/dempsey-startup-competition/> Learn more

Apply: Summer Fellowship Applications now open!

Due Friday, March 31 by 12PM (noon)
Applications are now being accepted for the following paid summer

-1WSn0vXpU_2u_RbDKWTYl7RoMFPplY2ag--xq5m2Zs5g7314jv7bPVfo41d2k6UQg$> 2023
ITHS/WRF Summer Commercialization Fellowships offered through the Buerk
Center for Entrepreneurship. This is an excellent opportunity for
graduate-level students to work with UW researchers and inventors to develop
a commercialization plan for a UW technology. Students who are eligible to
apply include all Foster School MBA students who have taken the core
classes, Technology Entrepreneurship Certificate (TEC) students, and
graduate students with entrepreneurial core coursework in marketing,
strategy, and finance in their backgrounds.
Applications are due on Friday, March 31 by Noon. For more information and
to view the available projects, visit
eurship/internships-fellowships/> the program link.
ntrepreneurship-fellowship/> 2023 Social Entrepreneurship Fellowship. This
program hosted by the UW Population Health Initiative in partnership with
the Buerk Center brings on four graduate or professional students from
different academic disciplines to explore social enterprise models that
could support innovations developed by UW researchers.
4jv7bPVfo43rfU5Rzw$> Applications are due by March 31.

Apply: Entre Law Clinic now accepting clients!

Applications accepted on a rolling basis
Our partners at the
d0dxy3CxA73ych5mHBZlYKINUvsnYmrp_hx4XqA=> UW Entrepreneurial Law Clinic are
d0dxy3CxA73ych5mHBZlYKINUvsnYmrp_hx4XqA=> accepting applications for Spring
Quarter clients. This is a huge opportunity for student founders and
innovators to receive free early-stage corporate and intellectual property
legal advice. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis with final
decisions expected late this month. To apply, fill out
d0dxy3CxA73ych5mHBZlYKINUvsnYmrp_hx4XqA=> the application form online. If
you have questions, send an e-mail to
vJyukhMFApz8jdgLxggby2J_67QtzvoiXow7fhA=> elcinfo at uw.edu.

Apply: Social Venture Plan Competition

Applications due March 10, Showcase on April 19
Our friends at Seattle Pacific University are hosting their
So6Bz0hmNmteeK25SnO-_LV4vxU0MOc4zXW7s40=> 17th annual Social Venture Plan
Competition this spring and the final deadline for students to
So6Bz0hmNmteeK25SnO-_LV4vxU0MOc4zXW7s40=> submit their application is March
10. The showcase takes place April 19. More information
So6Bz0hmNmteeK25SnO-_LV4vxU0MOc4zXW7s40=> can be found online. This
competition is tailored for students working on early-stage start-up ideas
that might qualify as social enterprises and is a great opportunity for
teams that want to take those ideas into our upcoming
Za1Wn2C46VRvRywQjD3CqPsckZWxL7XVICTyBAQ=> Dempsey Startup Competition.


Find your people! Team Formation Opportunities
Meet other students who want to form or join a team.

Attend: Students & Startups: Team Tuesday Meetups
Tuesdays throughout Winter Quarter | 12:00 - 1:30 pm (come any time)

Calling all student innovators and changemakers! Grab some lunch with the
Buerk Center on Tuesdays during winter quarter to connect with other
students from disciplines across campus who are interested in solving
problems through innovation and ideation. This is a great chance to share
skills and interests on the way to forming a team for one of the Buerk
Center competitions!

Open to all UW students |
wyr65C1YYXPGaabRqTNVfLMUYtwotYcyZzfxsjaTbMMQlDzfMg$> Register Now

Join: StartupTree + Team Formation Pages

Looking for a team member to enter an innovation challenge or work on a
startup project? Do you have skills and want to join an existing team?
Check out
YYXPGaabRqTNVfLMUYtwotYcyZzfxsjaTbMNXwlL4TQ$> StartupTree, create your
profile and tag which challenges you're interested in, then
YYXPGaabRqTNVfLMUYtwotYcyZzfxsjaTbMNXwlL4TQ$> browse for a team to join or
to find team members. You can also view our upcoming events on the
cyZzfxsjaTbMNuzDJhpA$> StartupTree calendar. Please note, this is for
current UW students only!



Attend: 2023 Davis Consumer Product Workshop Series

Friday, February 24 | 12:00 - 1:30 pm | Founders 490 |
IYxN8$> Register Here

The annual Davis Consumer Product Workshop series for students is back this
February! Students can register now for three upcoming 90-minute sessions
featuring special guests. You'll walk away knowing pivotal steps in starting
and growing a consumer product business, whether it's something you created
with your hands or in the digital space. Participants are strongly
encouraged to consider entering their ideas into the
Bxi9qJSag45W6pBcEa5PohqQGINSdlA2MGqDysE=> Dempsey Startup Competition as

Open to UW students only.

Our final workshop agenda is focused on "Scaling Your Product from Prototype
to Manufacturing" with UW alumni founder Rosalinda Mendoza of Mocel Mezcal
and Alexander Pagliere, Product Engineer at D.A. International Group.

Attend: Build Your Own Business! (BYOB!)

Wednesdays, February 22 and March 8 | 6:00 - 7:30 pm | FNDR 490

jCw$> BYOB: Build Your Own Business Workshop continues! It will be hosted by
startup founders (and UW entrepreneurship alumni)
IxCsYc7W4YVE-IafhkBzR0XZaK9Ck6_QCVs1Xtw=> Justin Ith of Outbound AI and
n80QSwHz5wSaXXFPyUaP1rjTo11rb8smduJn2T0=> Mariah Gentry of Wild Wing
Studios. These workshops are meant to create an open discussion in a closed
space for students to pitch an early idea and receive feedback and mentoring
on the spot. Questions? Contact Buerk Center undergraduate programs manager
Alex Eli at
R8O7uDJazoYCw5s5I7Psr8jIFLmGdNE4xa4XQPU=> eliad at uw.edu.

Attend: Buerk Center Virtual Office Hours

Every Wednesday until the end of the quarter | 12:30 - 1:30 pm PDT

Curious about entrepreneurship?
<https://foster.uw.edu/centers/buerk-ctr-entrepreneurship/contact-us/> Book
a 30-minute Zoom session with Buerk Center competition and academic managers
to discuss your idea, resources, and ways to get engaged. Learn how to start
your entrepreneurial journey or take the next step!

Open to all registered UW students |
<https://foster.uw.edu/centers/buerk-ctr-entrepreneurship/contact-us/> Book

Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship | Foster School of Business

University of Washington

uwbuerk at uw.edu <mailto:uwbuerk at uw.edu> | 206.616.0734 |

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