[Biostudent] Scholarship newsletter: Winter quarter 2023 #1

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Thu Jan 5 10:46:19 PST 2023

Dear students & alumni,

Welcome back to campus! January marks the beginning of local scholarship
season and preparing for summer opportunities. Check out our January
workshops as well as reminders for scholarships and summer opportunities
with upcoming deadlines. We hope this will help you get the ball rolling, or
press the submit button, on your scholarship applications!

OMSFA WORKSHOPS (https://expd.uw.edu/scholarships/events/)

Getting Started on your Scholarship Search

Learn about searching for scholarships that fit your interests and goals and
bringing your strengths into application materials. We’ll also talk about
how to write for your audience and think like a funder.

In-person at MGH 171: Thursday, January 19th | 12:30 p.m.

Via Zoom: Wednesday, January 25th | 5:00 p.m.

Via Zoom: Tuesday, February 7th | 4:30 p.m.
aycrHMGJqPKTsAjlFRfWMeFVkpg_uJfxnblbzyFwLFwkvuxwvkOk$> (This session is
specifically tailored for Transfer students.)

Application Writing and Feedback Time: an interactive work session

Drop-in to work on your scholarship applications and, if you wish, get
personalized feedback on your materials. Stop by anytime and stay for as
long or short as you like.

In-person at MGH 171: Thursday, January 12th | 5:00 p.m.
<https://expo.uw.edu/expo/rsvp/event/1174> or Friday, January 27th | 12:30
p.m. <https://expo.uw.edu/expo/rsvp/event/1174>


Wildlife Biology Scholarship Provided by the Washington Chapter of The
Wildlife Society

The Richard E. Fitzner Memorial Scholarship Fund provides up to $2,500
toward tuition for wildlife-oriented biology students during the fall of
their junior or senior year. Preference will be given to students with a
demonstrated need for financial aid; a history of experiences, activities,
and interests in the field of wildlife biology; college course work
applicable to field biology; and superior grades. College transcripts and
two letters of reference from instructors or past employers must accompany
the application form.

Apply online by January 15th 2023
blbzyFwLFwkvkK9l_vw$> .

Mary Gates Leadership and Research Scholarships

$5000 awarded over two quarters for students engaged in an ongoing
leadership project or academic research at UW. It is open to students of all
years and citizenship statuses.

Apply online for either by <https://expd.uw.edu/mge/apply/> February 1st,

Washington State Opportunity Scholarship (WSOS)

Up to $22,500 for tuition, housing, and fees for students studying STEM or
healthcare-related fields. It is open to first- and second-year students who
are Washington residents with financial need, regardless of citizenship

Apply online by
MGJqPKTsAjlFRfWMeFVkpg_uJfxnblbzyFwLFwkvps4KwzY$> February 28th, 2023


Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP)

Fully-funded six-week summer enrichment program for first or second year
students from underrepresented backgrounds (racially/ethnically,
economically or educationally) who are interested in careers in the health
professions. Register for a Virtual Info session here
s$> and learn more!

Apply online by
February 5th 2023.

Rangel International Affairs Summer Enrichment Program

Six-week fully-funded academic summer program at Howard University in D.C.
for students interested in exploring a career in international affairs.

Apply online by
TsAjlFRfWMeFVkpg_uJfxnblbzyFwLFwkv2_WwT_Q$> February 7th 2023

Fulbright UK Summer

FREE 3-4 week academic summer programs in the UK. Choose to live and study
in Wales, Glasgow, Belfast, Bristol, Cornwall or London, each with a
different thematic focus.

Apply online by
lFRfWMeFVkpg_uJfxnblbzyFwLFwkvKDImqrc$> February 7th 2023

Humanity in Action

Fully-funded four-week immersive international summer program for students
interested in exploring democracy, human rights and social justice. Travel
to Amsterdam, Berlin, Warsaw or Copenhagen, or have a hybrid Washington, DC
experience, and then complete a year-long Action Project at home.

Apply online by
ywZQ1m8BhdKi2$> February 14th 2023.

Research Experiences for Undergraduates (NSF funded research opportunities
for undergraduates)

Summer research programs are full-time immersive research experiences where
selected students are matched with a mentor to join their research team and
work on a project for a fixed term (often 9-10 weeks). Students receive
stipends and sometimes assistance with housing and travel.

Application deadlines between January 31st and February 15th 2023 (vary by

Search for summer NSF-funded research opportunities for undergraduates here
blbzyFwLFwkviY7MIos$> , and UW summer research opportunities for
undergraduates here

> .

<https://www.washington.edu/undergradresearch/uwresearch-cafe/> RESEARCH
CAFÉ, this Friday January 6th, 9:30-11 AM: Feel free to drop by for the
first Research Café of 2023, and stay as long as you’d like!

Research Café takes place every first Friday of the month from 9:30-11:00 AM
in <https://www.washington.edu/maps/#!/mgh> Mary Gates Hall Suite 171. Come
to make new connections, chat about research, and enjoy free coffee and
donuts! The event is brought to you by the
<http://uw.edu/undergradresearch> Undergraduate Research Program,
<https://expd.uw.edu/mge/> Mary Gates Endowment, and
<https://expd.uw.edu/scholarships/> Office of Merit Scholarships,
Fellowships & Awards which are all housed in MGH 171.

** Get prepared for summer opportunities by polishing your resume and
attending internship fairs. Learn more about what the UW Career and
Internship Center <https://careers.uw.edu/events/student/> offers!

** Interested in other scholarships and opportunities? OMSFA is here to help
you find and apply for the scholarships that fit your skills and
experiences. Search our <https://new.expo.uw.edu/expo/scholarships>
database and set up an
<https://expd.uw.edu/scholarships/applying/scholarship-advising/> advising
appointment today.

Best wishes, Robin, Chetana, Fariha and Alex

Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships and Awards (OMSFA)

scholarq at uw.edu <mailto:scholarq at uw.edu>

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