[Biostudent] Undergraduate Research Symposium: Application deadline Feb. 12th

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Mon Jan 9 11:06:43 PST 2023



Dear Students,

We are now accepting submissions for the Annual UW Undergraduate Research
Symposium, which will take place on Friday, May 19, 2023.

To present your work at this event, you must submit an application by
Friday, February 12th, 2023. The application and information about the
Symposium may be found on the Undergraduate Research Program's
duate-research-symposium-draft/> Symposium Page.

The Symposium is a celebration of undergraduate accomplishments in research,
scholarship, and creative expression in all academic disciplines, including
the performing and visual arts. More information and resources for
applicants and presenters, including support for preparing abstracts, are
available on the

> Apply for Symposium Page. Students may email URP at

OCKjbksWYtXSQdrz5RuydkrfxksqbvL4DJ8ONlM=> urp at uw.edu with questions about
presenting their work.

If you have not yet begun a research experience, attending the Symposium is
a great way to learn about how to get involved, identify potential projects
and mentors and to support fellow students. Students are also encouraged to
volunteer for the Undergraduate Research Symposium and may sign up to
volunteer here

We hope you will consider participating in this year's celebration of
undergraduate research!


URP Staff


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