[Biostudent] GofI Call for Submissions

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Tue Jan 10 10:34:44 PST 2023

Dear UW students and faculty,

Happy 2023!

The Garden of Ideas staff wish you a Happy New Year and a pleasant start to your winter quarter. That aside, we are back with some updates:

1. Our Fall 2022 Issue released online over the break. Click to read it now <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/issuu.com/braedeng/docs/all_volume_2_issue_1_pages___;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!k5Zfaer87iQIZnU84brj6GbbzKczFzUAUsObb38D7eMxoWegrf9FuB0jijHPw_ztgXw_qLR43gdj7Lf8RClIEBY$> !
2. We are now actively looking for both academic and creative submissions for our Winter 2023 issue. We hope you consider submitting and look forward to viewing your work!

AS a reminder, our journal is open to both philosophy and non-philosophy majors in an effort to publish work from students with ideas on a broad range of topics. We adopt a highly inclusive definition of philosophy that welcomes endless ways of portraying philosophical ideas. Examples of possible work styles to submit include:
--Academic essays

--Creative writing (e.g., short stories and poetry)

--Visual art (eg., drawings and photography)

--Class work you’re proud of

Submissions are due Sunday, January 29th at 11:59pm and can be submitted via email to <mailto:gardenofideas at uw.edu> gardenofideas at uw.edu. Be sure to include your name and contact information, as well as anything else you’d like us to know about your work. When your submission is selected to be published in the upcoming issue, we will contact you. Soon after, you will begin to work in collaboration with an editor to polish your piece into its highest form over the course of a two week period.

Our journal isn’t possible without your submissions. Help us create a comprehensive journal designed to showcase the best thinkers and artists on campus. We look forward to your content and working with you to publish them in The Garden of Ideas.


The Garden of Ideas

Philosophy Journal

University of Washington

Email us at <mailto:gardenofideasuw at uw.edu> gardenofideas at uw.edu or visit our website <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/gardenofideasuw.com/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!k5Zfaer87iQIZnU84brj6GbbzKczFzUAUsObb38D7eMxoWegrf9FuB0jijHPw_ztgXw_qLR43gdj7Lf8nesp__w$> . Follow us on Twitter <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/twitter.com/GardenOfIdeasUW__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!k5Zfaer87iQIZnU84brj6GbbzKczFzUAUsObb38D7eMxoWegrf9FuB0jijHPw_ztgXw_qLR43gdj7Lf885kXIZ0$> and Instagram <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.instagram.com/GardenOfIdeasUW/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!k5Zfaer87iQIZnU84brj6GbbzKczFzUAUsObb38D7eMxoWegrf9FuB0jijHPw_ztgXw_qLR43gdj7Lf8gPAw8d8$> to stay up to date on all things Garden of Ideas related. Happy Philosophizing!

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