[Biostudent] B Term "Art and Social Change" in India Study Abroad Program

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Mon Jan 23 14:59:14 PST 2023

12 credits, and all meals included in the program fee!

"Art and Social Change" program to India

Learn about the long-standing "Art and Social Change" program to India here.
south-india> Links to an external site.Students will meet and learn from
artists, performers, writers, singers, theatre actors, and activists who are
making small and big changes in their communities. I started this program
back in 2003, and each iteration simply gets better and better. I'm so
excited for this summer's program, the first since 2019!

Program is one month (July 20-Aug 20, 2023, Summer B)


* Indian Expressions (5 credits I&S)

* Postcolonial Literatures & Cultural Studies (5 credits I&S)

* Introduction to India (2 credits I&S)


Total Program Fees:

$4,335 - all meals included in the program fee!

Consider joining us, even if you've never thought of studying abroad,
ESPECIALLY if you've never thought of studying abroad! Feel free to tell
your friends who you think would also be interested. Apply by Jan 31st. :)


Dr. Anu


Dr. Anu: Teacher | Speaker | Consultant
Links to an external site.

Teaching Professor | University of Washington

Racial Equity & DEI | Dr. Anu Consulting

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