[Biostudent] Demystifying Letters of Rec Panel, Jan 26 5-6 pm on Zoom

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Tue Jan 24 12:56:48 PST 2023

Subject: Demystifying Letters of Rec Panel, Jan 26 5-6 pm on Zoom

Hi everyone!

We decided to start off this year with a "Demystifying Letters of Rec" panel to relieve some of the stress and awkwardness that surrounds them. Come hear our own UW professors answer your own questions, or to learn what the process of asking for a letter looks like. This is especially helpful for anyone who plans on applying to summer internships, grad school or medical school in the future! We hope to see you there!

Zoom link: <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/washington.zoom.us/j/6136310063?fbclid=IwAR2wKsG1lQoKJfjpj_8qd4J8fxfL8qaP1pJQDWX5R_xEWNONHV9p1jkEwi4__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!n2oXd5Zq9_8fQZvL9qXD2_PmeCyFY2QhEo_sZgxzOAAuasiXBZ7YYek1PWwYIndvImz5Ue_oLBaC4Q$> https://washington.zoom.us/j/6136310063

Meeting ID: 613 631 0063


Your TriBeta Officers

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