[Biostudent] UPREP SESSION 3: How to Get a Quality Research Experience

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Thu Jan 26 10:14:20 PST 2023

Subject: UPREP SESSION 3: How to Get a Quality Research Experience

Please share this with anyone who might be interested!

Dear Aspiring Future Applicants,

Hi all! Our names are Sriram Sugumaran, Kareena Patel, and Richard Tu, MS1s based in Seattle at the University of Washington School of Medicine, and the program coordinators for UPREP. We are so excited to host our 3rd workshop of the year in collaboration with UWSOM's MSTP program!

UPREP is a collaborative project between the CEDI student affinity groups. UPREP offers monthly workshops to underrepresented minority students and other aspiring future applicants who are interested in pursuing a career in medicine. We offer workshops focusing on topics ranging from AMCAS application, financial aid, writing a personal statement, MCAT prep, interviews, and others.

Our third session of the year is scheduled on,

Time: Monday, January 30th, 2023 6:30-8:00pm PST

Location: Zoom: https://washington.zoom.us/j/91370344030 <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/washington.zoom.us/j/91370344030__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!nt2BPt5Ev1Bt-hGSyAoJtDaJyLoldwefXx-vh45cunxJex95r0hN5Lg1gnr54q4mLe3LwFU6d7tF9brN7g$>

This session’s topic will be: How to Get a Quality Research Experience

The event itself will consist of a presentation and panelist Q&A. Both MD/PhD and MD students will be present. You will have an opportunity to meet and interact with current medical students who, like you, have applied to medical schools in the past and want to help you be a successful applicant! Our student volunteers are very diverse and come from all walks of life who each have their own unique insights and stories they would love to share with you!

Please sign up here:

https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/leoch <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.wejoinin.com/sheets/leoch__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!nt2BPt5Ev1Bt-hGSyAoJtDaJyLoldwefXx-vh45cunxJex95r0hN5Lg1gnr54q4mLe3LwFU6d7tO9Gv2fw$>

You may submit questions in advance here:

https://pollev.com/jennynathans101 <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/pollev.com/jennynathans101__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!nt2BPt5Ev1Bt-hGSyAoJtDaJyLoldwefXx-vh45cunxJex95r0hN5Lg1gnr54q4mLe3LwFU6d7uyb7ajjg$>

This is a unique opportunity to learn about research experiences that will help you in your medical school application journey from medical students’ perspective and also a great networking event for you to possibly meet your future mentor! This session will also be recorded if you are unable to make it but we hope that you are able to join us!

If you would like to join our listserv so that you could stay updated on our upcoming workshops, recordings, and resources, sign up here: <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.gle/aZcConpoLPTEpXW68__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!nt2BPt5Ev1Bt-hGSyAoJtDaJyLoldwefXx-vh45cunxJex95r0hN5Lg1gnr54q4mLe3LwFU6d7vkBJhakQ$> https://forms.gle/aZcConpoLPTEpXW68

For any questions or concerns, or if you no longer wish to receive emails from us, please email us at uprepuwsom at gmail.com <mailto:uprepuwsom at gmail.com> .

**If you are still getting emails from us but have already contacted us about removing you from the listserv, then we may have missed your name or the person who forwarded the email to you might have you on their listserv. In that case, please email that person about removing you. **


Sriram Sugumaran, Kareena Patel, Richard Tu

UPREP Program Coordinators

MS1, School of Medicine

Seattle Site

University of Washington

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