[Biostudent] Federal Internship Portal: Help Spread the Word!

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Tue Jan 31 11:45:03 PST 2023

The Federal Government is Hiring 2023 Interns!

Learn new skills and make an impact! Check out the new Federal Internship
Portal (intern.usajobs.gov) and apply for an internship today.

The Federal government works in every industry and every sector. We are the
largest and most diverse employer in the United States, with four million
public servants working every day to strengthen our communities.

Internships are a great opportunity to work alongside these experts, learn
valuable skills, drive change, and make a positive impact.

New opportunities are frequently available on the Federal Internship Portal,
so please check the site every week.

>From supporting scientists combating climate change and engineers rebuilding

America, to data analysts helping small businesses and health care workers
fighting diseases - the Federal government does big things every day. If
there's an issue you care about or an industry you want to work in, chances
are the Federal government works on that issue.

If you are passionate about serving your community and country, consider
interning with the Federal government.

To find open positions, visit intern.usajobs.gov.

Questions about Federal internships? Learn more and browse our FAQs.

Hear from former Department of State Intern and current Policy Analyst ,

Early Career Talent - Alisha Lujan, Policy Analyst at the State Department

Office of Public Engagement Team

U.S. Office of Personnel Management


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