[Biostudent] Fwd: Freshman Advising & Orientation: Math and Science

Biology Advising bioladv at uw.edu
Tue Jun 6 14:45:40 PDT 2023

> Begin forwarded message:


> From: Casey Renneberg <stampcl at uw.edu>

> Subject: Freshman Advising & Orientation: Math and Science

> Date: June 6, 2023 at 2:22:28 PM PDT



> As part of Freshman A&O, we invite you to participate in the Academic Interest Sessions focused on Math and Science. This session provides a space for students to ask starting questions related to studying the math and sciences at UW, as well as relevant coursework.


> The Academic Interest Sessions will happen throughout the summer on most Mondays and Wednesday from 11-noon via zoom. The session will start with a pre-recorded context video, followed by some prepared remarks, and end with a Q&A. Your role in each session will be to help answer questions during the Q&A. Students will be using the written Q&A feature in zoom so you will provide written responses to questions that you feel comfortable answering.


> You are welcome to participate in some or all of the sessions. If you are interested in being involved, please sign up here: https://fyp.washington.edu/aosignupadvising <https://fyp.washington.edu/aosignupadvising>


> You will sign up for the spots called FR_US: Acad. Int Math/Sci (DEPT ADVISER). It will always be the third option on each day. Sign up for every day you’d like to join us.


> We really appreciate your assistance in supporting incoming students in this way. If you have any questions, please let us know!


> Thanks, and looking forward to connecting this summer,

> Meghan Gescher (College of the Environment)

> Joe Kobayashi (Marine Biology)

> Jeanny Mai (Physics)

> Casey Renneberg (Chemistry)


> Casey Renneberg (she/her)

> Academic Adviser


> Bagley Hall Room 303B

> Department of Chemistry

> University of Washington

> Seattle, WA 98195


> stampcl at uw.edu <mailto:stampcl at uw.edu>

> 206.543.9343

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