[Biostudent] June 14 - Last UW Master of Jurisprudence Info Session for 2023

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Thu Jun 8 13:41:33 PDT 2023

June 14 - Last UW Master of Jurisprudence Info Session for 2023

Hello folks,

I'm reaching out about our last UW M.J. Information Session for the year,
this coming Wednesday, June 14th at 6pm (via Zoom). We're excited to
welcome both new folks and folks who've already been to an info session but
have admissions questions as we approach the July 1st application deadline.
Our last Information session will provide information about this Master's
program, inform candidates about the application process and offer the
opportunity for candidates to meet some of our M.J. program faculty members,
staff, and current students. We'll talk about the application process
<https://www.law.uw.edu/admissions/mj-admissions> , the foundation
<https://www.law.uw.edu/academics/mj/curriculum> of the program, and the
branches of legal specialty <https://www.law.uw.edu/academics/mj> , as well
as answer individual questions about where folks are in the application
process. You can check out more information about the program online
<https://www.law.uw.edu/academics/mj> , and I'm always happy to talk to
anyone with questions about graduate degrees in law here at the UW.

If you know of any interested students, graduate, or other folks, we'll be
hosting this session over Zoom, and they can RSVP for a reminder and zoom
link here: https://forms.gle/LdhD9EJHPUd717gz6

Thank you for sharing this as you're able!

All the best,

La Sheena

La Sheena Taft
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Graduate Programs Coordinator
University of Washington School of Law

William H. Gates Hall / Box 353020 / Room 443
4293 Memorial Way NE, Seattle, WA 98195-3020

MyUW <https://my.uw.edu/> | The Docket
a_4LeqmKa6W7$> | Canvas Pages <https://canvas.uw.edu/courses/1159202> |Law
Courses <https://www.law.washington.edu/coursecatalog/default.aspx>
www.law.uw.edu <http://www.law.uw.edu/>


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