[Biostudent] SPR 23: Space in L Arch 322 Intro to Planting Design: Living Systems in Cities (async Mondays)

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Mon Mar 13 14:19:22 PDT 2023

We still have plenty of space in L Arch 322 (listed as Intro to Planting Design, but the subtitle is Living Systems in Cities). This is a wonderful course for engaging creative processes with multiple field trips scheduled, and has a hybrid schedule with Mondays being async lectures. Please forward this to your students as appropriate.


L Arch 322: Intro to Planting Design

Living Systems in Cities

Kristi Park

3 cr. A&H

MW 11:30-12:50 (M: async lecture, W: in person field trips/discussion)

SLN: 16050

As human populations face climate change, can urban inhabitants embrace design ideas that reconceptualizes cities as resilient ecosystems and reconnect humans with nature? In this course, we will explore this question through topics related to contemporary urban planning, design, construction, and maintenance of built environments. L Arch 322 encourages students to explore a wide variety of topics through engaging with online-presentations, podcasts, readings, self-guided urban field trips and participation in group discussions. Assignments for this course will involve a variety of means including art-making, graphic novel development, design-thinking and observational skills.


Jennie Li | Undergraduate Program Adviser + Admin Support

Pronouns: she/her/hers, they/them/theirs

Schedule a meeting <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/calendly.com/jencyli/officehours?month=2021-09&date=2021-09-10__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!g4rOdEr9pNl6l7DMegIM6pcAUSOr0y_E5d3wknjITzdGIwBqzDkuD13f4cB4IohHnpweZFBvkrstcaPz3A9aexk$> - HYBRID HOURS 2-5 PM, M T TH F (virtual availability unless scheduled for in-person)

Department of Landscape Architecture | UW College of Built Environments

348 Gould Hall | Box 355734 | Seattle WA 98195-5734

jencyli <mailto:jencyli at uw.edu> @uw.edu | <http://larch.be.washington.edu/> larch.be.washington.edu

<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.instagram.com/uw_landscape_architecture/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!g4rOdEr9pNl6l7DMegIM6pcAUSOr0y_E5d3wknjITzdGIwBqzDkuD13f4cB4IohHnpweZFBvkrstcaPzXJ4mDpM$> INSTAGRAM | <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.facebook.com/uwlarch/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!g4rOdEr9pNl6l7DMegIM6pcAUSOr0y_E5d3wknjITzdGIwBqzDkuD13f4cB4IohHnpweZFBvkrstcaPzr6hQiLU$> FACEBOOK | <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.linkedin.com/groups/2498465/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!g4rOdEr9pNl6l7DMegIM6pcAUSOr0y_E5d3wknjITzdGIwBqzDkuD13f4cB4IohHnpweZFBvkrstcaPzs9bb-Ao$> LINKEDIN | <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/vimeo.com/channels/1147846__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!g4rOdEr9pNl6l7DMegIM6pcAUSOr0y_E5d3wknjITzdGIwBqzDkuD13f4cB4IohHnpweZFBvkrstcaPzvLLS7O0$> VIMEO

We acknowledge the people - past, present, and future - of the Dkhw'Duw'Absh (Duwamish), Muckleshoot (bǝqǝlšuɫucid), Suquamish (suq'ʷabšucid) and Tulalip (dxʷlilap) and other Coastal Salish tribes on whose traditional lands we study, work, and gather.

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