[Biostudent] LSAMP Scientist Program

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Wed Mar 29 11:13:00 PDT 2023

What is the LSAMP Scientist Program?

A 9-week summer research program for students with little to no research experience. Students are matched with a faculty mentor for the summer based on similar interests. The research projects are science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) focused. During the program students will meet on a weekly basis to attend workshops that focus on research skills including how to write a research abstract, how to create a poster presentation, how to effectively communicate expectations, and more. At the end of the program students will present their research to friends, family, and the UW community.

The potential mentors for 2023 can be found here: <https://depts.washington.edu/lsamp/faculty-mentoring-committee/> LSAMP Faculty Mentoring Committee.

Important Dates

* Sunday, April 2nd: Application Closes at 11:59pm
* April 17th – 21st: Interviews Take Place
* May 31st: Meet & Greet
* June 20th – August 18th: Dates of Program

What can students gain from this program?

* Scientific Communication Skills
* Access to Faculty
* Professional Development
* Critical Thinking Skills
* Problem Solving Skills
* A cohort of other scientists
* Research Stipend

What are the students responsibilities?

* Complete a mentoring plan with mentor prior to the start of the program
* Attend orientation on the first day of the program
* Attend weekly professional development sessions
* Attend social events and lab tours (optional)
* Write a two-page summary report about what you learned from this experience
* Provide a photo of your engagement during your experience
* Write a weekly journal about what you are learning each week
* Write a research abstract
* Create a Research Poster
* Present your research at the end of the program

How to Apply

Email lsamp at uw.edu <mailto:lsamp at uw.edu> the following with the subject line “2023 UW LSAMP Scientist Application”

* Current Resume
* Course list of all Science (biology, chemistry, physics, etc.), Computer Science, Technology, and Mathematics courses completed with a passing grade to-date. Please do not include the letter grades received, just list the courses you have passed.
* Statement of Research Interest (minimum of one-page), that describes and explains your current academic and professional aspirations.

Information Sessions

* Thursday, March 9th | 11am - 12pm | LSAMP Center
* Wednesday, March 15th | 1 - 2pm | Zoom
* Tuesday, March 28th | 3-4pm | LSAMP Center
* Register @ https://bit.ly/2023LSAMPScientistProgram <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/bit.ly/2023LSAMPScientistProgram__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!ib0rPqZLjiXMMjEf-3uVwohZ0_sc-yWmBkcznGoY5MqXjUyP7uqNwaWiS17csFWW7N_fVKlmNnX_14ou$>


Student Information: https://depts.washington.edu/lsamp/lsamp-scientist-program/

Potential Mentors: https://depts.washington.edu/lsamp/faculty-mentoring-committee/

If you have any questions please reach out.

Thank you,

Courtney McKee

LSAMP Coordinator

Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation in STEM

University of Washington | Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity

206.897.1452 | Mary Gates Hall, Ste. 311 | Box 352835

Pronouns: She/Her

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