[Biostudent] Student Event - Microbiology Graduate Student Panel - MAY 12th, 4:00 PM Allen Auditorium

Jason L. Patterson patterj at uw.edu
Mon May 8 19:28:07 PDT 2023

Hi everyone!

The Microphiles will be hosting the annual Microbiology Graduate Student Panel on Friday, May 12th at 4:00 PM, in the Allen Auditorium!

We have an amazing group of Microbiology Graduate students with a wide range of experiences, so if you're thinking of pursuing Microbiology after undergrad, this is the perfect place to learn more! Additionally, anyone with an interest in Microbiology is encouraged and welcome to attend.

When: Friday, May 12th @ 4pm

Where: Allen Library<https://www.washington.edu/maps/#!/alb>, ground floor, North wing, room G81L (Behind the information desk)

What: Graduate Student Q+A

Join our discord<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/discord.gg/PGTzZMkNDX__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!jC-5unuSaeUQZCdgzq1_RlOFTjo-dxpfY3RioQzGXZjoW7_iyvDL6aruflY6xcQCFbxzTw8wwftrJwM$> or contact microph at uw.edu<mailto:microph at uw.edu> if you have any questions about the event.

Hope to see you soon!

The Microphiles Team

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