[Biostudent] AUTUMN 2023 Course: ENVIR 495 Environmental Innovation Practicum

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Mon May 22 10:01:49 PDT 2023

Environmental Innovation Practicum

Interested in finding solutions to today's climate and environmental
challenges? Take this Autumn Quarter class and find out how!

Jointly Listed:

ENTRE 443/543, SLN 14976/ 14988

ENVIR 495, SLN 15110
ENGR 498, SLN 14966

2 credits; credit/no credit grading

Tues 4 - 5:50 pm

NO pre-req

Instructor: Chris Primack Metcalfe (cmet at uw.edu <mailto:cmet at uw.edu> )

Note: this is open to undergraduates AND graduates, all majors/disciplines
Reach out to Lauren Brohawn (brohal at uw.edu <mailto:brohal at uw.edu> ) or the
instructor with questions

Lauren Brohawn | Associate Director


x> Alaska Airlines Environmental Innovation Challenge

University of Washington | Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship

<mailto:brohal at uw.edu> brohal at uw.edu | startup.uw.edu

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