[Biostudent] Recruiting Student Trustees - University Book Store

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Wed May 24 13:25:07 PDT 2023

Now recruiting for University Book Store student trustees for 2023-2026

The University Book Store has been an integral part of UW for its students,
faculty, and staff for over 120 years. Because of multiple graduating
trustees this year, ASUW is actively looking for undergraduates to apply to
be a trustee on the board. The U Book Store is going through some of the
most dramatic changes in its history, and student trustees will play a vital
role in the future of the Book Store. No experience is necessary, and
students will learn about many facets of the Book Store's business and
development plans, including:

* Community outreach and engagement
* Revitalization of the U District
* Real estate development
* Public finance and non-profit partnerships
* Campus partnerships across all academic and administrative units
* Marketing and communications
* Urban planning, transit, and campus+community needs

Student trustees should be able to serve a minimum of two years, and ideally
three, to be able to understand the complexities of the roles and build
trustee knowledge. Rising sophomores and juniors may apply, and putting this
on your resume, LinkedIn page, and CV will be a highlight no matter what
your plans are after graduation. The board meets September through June once
a month in the evenings. The application can be found here:
t0vPBIR$> and directly linked here: https://forms.office.com/r/5weBKPvR88

I have had the pleasure of being a trustee for the last six years and have
worked with some AMAZING students. I know the Book Store, along with the
other faculty and student trustees, are excited to welcome a new group of
student trustees to the board.

Best wishes,

Matt Erickson

Staff Trustee, Board Vice President

University Book Store

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