[Biostudent] WIN24 Course: ENV H 448 / 548 Community Air Pollution

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Mon Nov 6 14:17:36 PST 2023

ENV H 448<https://sdb.admin.uw.edu/timeschd/uwnetid/sln.asp?QTRYR=WIN+2024&SLN=14499> / 548<https://sdb.admin.uw.edu/timeschd/UWNetID/sln.asp?QTRYR=WIN+2024&SLN=14518> Community Air Pollution

This 3-credit course uses a lecture/seminar format, and makes use of local air pollution management resources, to provide a comprehensive overview of community air pollution. Topics covered include: 1) air pollution sources, chemistry and meteorology; 2) effects on human health and the environment; 3) climate change; 4) air quality standards, monitoring and management; 5) air pollution control technology; 6) indoor air; 7) special topics, including wildfire smoke, environmental justice and alternative fuels.

Instruction is at the level of upper-year undergraduates and graduate students in health-related or related technical fields; there are higher expectations and more requirements of graduate students including an introduction to using the R programming language for summarizing air quality data. While a relatively comprehensive survey of air pollution topics is provided, there is a clear public health orientation.

Learning objectives

At the end of this course the student should be able to:

* Classify and identify major sources of outdoor air pollution.
* Outline the features of National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS).
* Describe how meteorology affects air pollution using qualitative and quantitative approaches.
* Describe the atmospheric chemistry involved in the formation of secondary air pollutants.
* Identify primary health effects associated with criteria air pollutants.
* Compare identified health effects of the different air pollutants.
* Contrast the scientific methods and study designs used to learn about the health effects of air pollution.
* Differentiate the welfare effects of air pollution from human health effects.
* Propose effective strategies for controlling air pollution emissions and for reducing community exposures.
* Distinguish criteria air pollutants from hazardous air pollutants and compare their respective air quality management approaches.
* Describe how air quality contributes to environmental injustice and social inequality.
* Identify the pollutants, including greenhouse gases, that affect climate and describe how they contribute to climate change.
* Describe the major activities of the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency (PSCAA).
* Describe community-based air monitoring and contrast this approach to regulatory monitoring.
* Explain sources of indoor air pollution and describe the health effects of each.
* GRADUATE STUDENTS: Evaluate and synthesize quantitative impacts of air pollution.

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