[Biostudent] FW: [Advisers] Winter Course: Exploring the HIV/AIDS Pandemic

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Wed Nov 8 16:16:49 PST 2023

Biology Majors if you are interested this course can be petitioned to use in your ADVANCED ELECTIVES!

EPI 360/G H 360 - Exploring the HIV/AIDS Pandemic<https://epi.washington.edu/course/360/>
Who gets HIV and how? How can HIV infection be prevented? How is HIV/AIDS treated? What can be done to end the epidemic? In this course, you will:

* Explore the historical, public health, clinical, and social aspects of HIV infection.

* Examine the epidemiology of the US and global HIV/AIDS epidemic.

* Lay the foundation for pursuing a degree and career in public health, epidemiology, global health, infectious diseases, health/medicine, or social justice/advocacy.

No prerequisites. All majors are encouraged to enroll. This is a great course for students preparing for careers in a health related field. A basic understanding of biology is recommended, but not required. Areas of Knowledge: I&S, NW, & QSR.

EPI 360A SLN = 14592 (or G H 360A SLN = 15028); 5 credits; Lecture meets: MW 3:30-4:50pm; Quiz meets: F, 9:30-10:20am or 2:30-3:20pm; Instructors: Adrienne Shapiro (aeshapir at uw.edu<mailto:aeshapir at uw.edu>) & Connie Celum (ccelum at uw.edu<mailto:ccelum at uw.edu>)

Additional details about the course are provided on the attached flyer or can be found here<https://epi.washington.edu/course/360/>. Direct questions to epcourse at uw.edu<mailto:epcourse at uw.edu>.
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