[Biostudent] Invitation to Attend CleanTech Alliance NextGen Climate Career Panel

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Thu Nov 9 11:29:38 PST 2023

Subject: Invitation to Attend CleanTech Alliance NextGen Climate Career Panel

The King County NextGen Climate Intern team and the Washington CleanTech Alliance are inviting you to a virtual career spotlight session on Wednesday, November 15th, from 5:30pm-6:30pm! We have three professionals in the climate and environmental field as our panelists, who will be speaking to students and young professionals. Our panelists will share their career journeys, and how they are connected to the climate and environmental spaces. This will also be a space to hear about the NextGen Internship program at King County, and the CleanTech Alliance Emerging Professionals Network.

We will have a structured Q&A, and time for audience questions. See the Zoom invite link and flyer below for more information about this event. Hope to see you there!"

Zoom link: https://tinyurl.com/cleantechnextgen<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tinyurl.com/cleantechnextgen__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!nyvoVmcxWe13X8cbHlYVwomKBHMz4d10yoztsB1yfsa_sCuskmXE7tBbtyPHOUygzfkLjSXhFZ0USJMQ-zp-oQ$>


Feel free to share this event with your networks as well!


Medha Kumar

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