[Biostudent] APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN!: 2024 University of Washington’s Neurological Surgery Summer Student Program (NSSSP) — spread the word!

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Mon Oct 2 10:07:53 PDT 2023

Applications open on November 1st.

2024 University of Washington’s Neurological Surgery Summer Student Program (NSSSP) — spread the word!

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We are reaching out to you with the goal that you would please help spread the word about the NIH sponsored 2023 University of Washington’s Summer Research Experience in Translational Neuroscience and Neurological Surgery program throughout your network. We want to make sure as many students, from all states and all walks of life, as possible know about this opportunity! Would you be willing to share the message below and/or the attached flyer via email, on a blog, or on social media?

We are especially interested in applicants from those underrepresented in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematic (STEM) fields.

If you have any questions please let me know. Thank you in advance for your support in encouraging the next generation of STEM leaders, who will surely help make our world a better place.


Julie Bould
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Program Operations Specialist
NSSSP Program Coordinator
Department of Neurological Surgery | UW Medicine
325 Ninth Avenue | Box 359924 | Seattle, WA 98104
OFFICE: 206.897.5732
EMAIL: nsssp at uw.edu<mailto:nsssp at uw.edu> WEB: neurosurgery.uw.edu<https://neurosurgery.uw.edu/>
PROGRAM WEBSITE: neurosurgery.uw.edu/education/summer-student-programs<https://neurosurgery.uw.edu/education/summer-student-programs>

Sylvia Zavatchen, MEd
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Summer Program Administrator
Associate Director of Education | UW Medicine
Departments of Neurological Surgery & Neurology
325 Ninth Avenue | Box 359924 | Seattle WA 98104
OFFICE: 206-744-7077
EMAIL: szavatch at uw.edu<mailto:szavatch at uw.edu>
WEB: https://neurosurgery.uw.edu/education | depts.washington.edu/neurology/education/<https://depts.washington.edu/neurolog/education/>

On behalf of:
Christine Mac Donald, PhD (Professor and Vice Chair of the UW Department of Neurological Surgery)
Co-Director, Neurological Summer Student Program
Co-Principal Investigator Grant R25NS095377

Richard Ellenbogen, MD, FACS (Professor and Chair of the UW Department of Neurological Surgery)
Director, Neurological Summer Student Program
Principal Investigator Grant R25NS095377

Dear STEM student,

Applications for the NIH sponsored Summer Research Experience in Translational Neuroscience and Neurological Surgery<https://neurosurgery.uw.edu/education/summer-student-programs> program is anticipated to open November 1st, 2023!

If you have an interest in the neurosciences and desire lab experience in neurological biomedical research, please apply!

Applicants chosen to participate in the program will receive stipends of $3,200 over the duration of the 8-week program. (Note: high school or recent high school graduates must be 18 years of age or older by the first day of the program in order to participate due to facility age restrictions). Out of area students will have program sponsored housing (as long as they indicate on their application that they require program sponsored housing) but are responsible for their own meals, transportation to/from Seattle, and local transit.

Program participation includes:
• Eight-week lab placement in one of our neuroscience research labs
• Weekly Neurological Surgery Grand Rounds lectures
• Weekly Neurological Surgery Resident Education Hour discussions
• Weekly neuroscience faculty lectures, specifically developed for the students
• Neurological surgery OR observations (up to 2)
• Neurological surgery clinical shadowing observations (up to 2)
• Student capstone presentation

To date, 185 rising freshmen and college undergraduate students aged 18 and older from 96 different schools from across the U.S. have participated in the program.

Over 35 students from our earlier classes have now been accepted into medical school and other clinical training programs. Many students just entering college have gone on to neuroscience, pre-med studies, medical school or PhD neuroscience programs..

The application period will close on Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024. Application is free.

Please email nsssp at uw.edu<mailto:nsssp at uw.edu> with any questions you may have about the application process.

We look forward to reviewing your application!


NSSSP Directorship

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