[Biostudent] BA in Social Welfare - Upcoming Events!

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Tue Oct 17 11:05:41 PDT 2023

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Good morning advisers!

Do you have students who are interested in furthering social, racial, and economic justice? Who are passionate about helping others and in search of a major? Encourage them to consider a BA in Social Welfare (BASW)! Our BASW program trains students for entry-level positions in the helping professions and prepares them to take action against injustice and inequalities.

If students are interested in learning more, we'll be hosting a virtual information session next week where students can learn more about our program, the application process, and how to get in touch with us! Feel free to direct any questions about the program or application process to our admissions team at uwsocialwork at uw.edu<mailto:uwsocialwork at uw.edu>.

Upcoming events:

* Virtual BASW Information Session | Oct. 24; 6PM - 7PM PT | Open to all prospective BASW students | Register here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/washington.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEqceurqT0rGtY6Fvpud6BSI8jbo6GtFFxa__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!gTjMXRuDXoIeIStYBWNFVZ6v0cBv92HixLNPrbGGT4poEWzElcJeC9JYyGpRzNDDlfd8EkUWEVh_T69pigLR_Oo$>
* BASW Tabling at UW Sustainability Fair | Oct. 25; 11am - 1:30pm | HUB Main Floor | Open to all UW students
* BASW at Majors Market Fair | Nov. 15; 4pm - 6pm | Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center (ECC) | RSVP here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tinyurl.com/majorsmarket2023__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!gTjMXRuDXoIeIStYBWNFVZ6v0cBv92HixLNPrbGGT4poEWzElcJeC9JYyGpRzNDDlfd8EkUWEVh_T69p6-y0Ggw$>

APPLY TO BASW<https://socialwork.uw.edu/admissions/basw/basw-application-instructions>

BASW PROGRAM INFORMATION:<https://socialwork.uw.edu/admissions/apply-to-basw>

Program Description: Our BASW program is a major for students interested in furthering social, racial, and economic justice.
Examples of careers in social work include clinical mental health practitioners, school counselors, behavioral therapists, addiction and recovery work, domestic violence advocacy, pediatric and geriatric caregiving, and hospital social workers (to name a few).

At a glance:

* Our BASW major is a 2-year program that students enter in Fall quarter of their junior year of school. The program is fulltime with most classes operating in-person.
* We offer Fall admissions only and our application for Fall 2024 will open at the end of January and close April 15th, 2024.
* Prerequisites<https://socialwork.uw.edu/admissions/basw/basw-prerequisites> include:
* A 2.0 cumulative minimum GPA.
* 65 college level credits by start of program.
* Completed one introductory Psychology course and one introductory Sociology course with a 2.0 or higher before starting the program in September.
FAST FACTS (from 2023 admissions cycle):

* 75% acceptance rate
* 69% students of color
* Cohort of 52 students
* Average GPA of 3.48
* 51% transfer students

* Our Admissions Calendar<https://socialwork.uw.edu/admissions/contact-admissions?trumbaEmbed=view%3Devent%26eventid%3D170264613> includes all upcoming BASW events.
* Students can Book an Advising Appointment<uwsocialwork.youcanbook.me> with a Social Work adviser online.
* Students can view Information Session Recordings<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/youtu.be/99-FIGaYGiE?si=v6z0X_rCljlgl4nE__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!gTjMXRuDXoIeIStYBWNFVZ6v0cBv92HixLNPrbGGT4poEWzElcJeC9JYyGpRzNDDlfd8EkUWEVh_T69p6fgNB6o$> anytime.
* To contact SSW Admissions, email uwsocialwork at uw.edu<mailto:uwsocialwork at uw.edu> or call our office: (206)-543-5676.

Shyla Rose
I am now using my first name Shyla as my preferred name, you are welcome to call me Shyla or Shyla Rose. Thank you for your support!
Admissions & Outreach Specialist
School of Social Work
University of Washington
Follow us on Instagram!<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.instagram.com/uwsocialwork/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!gTjMXRuDXoIeIStYBWNFVZ6v0cBv92HixLNPrbGGT4poEWzElcJeC9JYyGpRzNDDlfd8EkUWEVh_T69pXE-j6WI$>
Book an Appointment with me<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/uwsocialwork.youcanbook.me/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!gTjMXRuDXoIeIStYBWNFVZ6v0cBv92HixLNPrbGGT4poEWzElcJeC9JYyGpRzNDDlfd8EkUWEVh_T69pU9xYeXU$>
Zoom Room: https://washington.zoom.us/j/6605919433<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/washington.zoom.us/j/6605919433__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!gTjMXRuDXoIeIStYBWNFVZ6v0cBv92HixLNPrbGGT4poEWzElcJeC9JYyGpRzNDDlfd8EkUWEVh_T69p7IcYuzw$>

Mail: Box 354900, Seattle, WA 98195-4900
4101 15th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98105-6299
206.543.6752 / fax 206.685.5398
Rreed21 at uw.edu<mailto:Rreed21 at uw.edu> / www.socialwork.uw.edu<http://www.socialwork.uw.edu/>
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