[Biostudent] Undergraduate Research Assistant Position in Prostate and Bladder Cancer Research

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Wed Oct 25 10:00:14 PDT 2023

Undergraduate Research Assistant Position in Prostate and Bladder Cancer Research

Department of Human Biology, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Dr. Andrew Hsieh is a physician-scientist who runs a lab with basic and translational research projects. We study the molecular basis of prostate and bladder cancer. Specifically, we are interested in how dysregulation of translation control drives tumorigenesis and developing new therapies to target translation machinery. Working in this environment provides extensive opportunities to interact with lab members of all levels from undergraduates to physician-scientists and scientists. These opportunities may lead to projects which in later years can be very helpful for the professional development of the students who join our team. Our lab is located in SLU at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, which is a 10-15 minute shuttle ride from the UW main campus.

We are seeking a motivated, enthusiastic undergraduate to assist with general lab duties including: tissue culture, western blots, PCR, and potentially working with mouse cancer models. Students that are organized, communicative, collaborative and have a strong desire to learn about the biology and clinical management of cancer are encouraged to apply.

We are looking for applicants who are sophomores or freshmen, and we will prioritize students who plan to go into healthcare or biomedical research. Prior research or clinical experience is advantageous but not required. A minimum of ten hours per week is required. Students must make a two-year part-time commitment during the school year and full-time during the summer.

The Undergraduate Researcher position is for credit during the academic year with a stipend during the summer.

Qualified applicants should send a resume/CV, and unofficial transcript to Dr. Hsieh (ahsieh at fredhutch.org<mailto:ahsieh at fredhutch.org>). We will be accepting applications until January 12, 2024.

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