[Biostudent] Senior Preview Day - Space is still available

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Wed Oct 25 13:59:59 PDT 2023

The big day is just a week away!

Please forward this invitation to your seniors who may be interested in a public service career.
Registration is required. Lunch will be provided.

[A person sitting on steps with text Description automatically generated]

Jackqueline Miller, EdD, EMNPL, MPA
Director of Admissions
Evans School of Public Policy & Governance I University of Washington
206.685.0937 I 140G Parrington Hall I Box 353055 I Seattle, WA 98195
millerjn at uw.edu<mailto:millerjn at uw.edu> I www.evans.uw.edu<http://www.evans.uw.edu/>
Book a time with me<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/JackquelineMiller@cloud.washington.edu/bookings/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!l-l1be-NDoK3W0vcRkbvI0RMqmnbnd_AaJNjp5spifugvf8S-FAKkBULYbijOICynTXGsqPCwzWxGzv9PCyxV5pU$>

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