[Biostudent] Biology Undergrad Advisory Group...Seeks you!

janetjg at uw.edu janetjg at uw.edu
Sat Oct 28 12:53:53 PDT 2023

October 27, 2023

Dear Undergraduate Biology Major,

We hope you are having an excellent quarter! The Department of Biology is interested in hearing about what works and isn’t working for our majors, and we value your opinion! To that end, we are creating a new undergraduate Biology advisory group.

The group will consist of 10 to 12 students who will meet with representative faculty to discuss their experiences in our department. The sessions will be an hour and a half and we will provide pizza and cookies! For fall quarter, the meetings will take place on November 16th and 30th from 11AM-12:30PM in LSB.

If you are interested in joining the undergraduate Biology advisory group, please fill out <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.gle/1xnfNMTNzcXWwXXx9__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!gM6-9aCggQC5ebcP2gEP3e5F-g9grNvQ4O3wY8f-4k3gL-Dx7D4_tOephPjTpedL-Jp6Zoakug$> this 5 question application. The deadline to submit your application is Friday Nov. 3 at midnight.

Thank you,

Dr. Mandy Schivell,

Chair of the Undergraduate Program Committee

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