[Biostudent] Masters in Social Work Information Session NEXT WEEK!

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Tue Sep 12 10:00:38 PDT 2023

Masters in Social Work Information Session NEXT WEEK!

Good morning advisers!

Have any seniors interested in a career in social work? Our application for 2024 admission is now live, and we're hosting our first master's in social work information session next week on September 18th at 6:30 PM PST. This session will be held over zoom, and interested students can register here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/washington.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJckfuGsqzwsHd2bBGeL-TMo-jpvQW8KlkrA__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!m23WAIFP5zpFCzgW0C3Be2zNI7ghrYA15hwdn-LvMO7AH9bp0GnfYS38k3tqMB_Qbp_CqG63Wa3LCzr0Np68M0E$>.

Program Description: The MSW Program at the UW School of Social Work is dedicated to preparing professional social workers through rigorous, community-engaged, critically reflexive research, teaching, and learning. The program is grounded in our commitment to racial, economic, gender, and social justice informed by and for those at the social margins of our local, national, and global communities. The MSW program is a great fit for students looking for a career in clinical social work (casework, therapy, etc), community work (non-profit, community activism) and policy advocacy work.


* Our MSW Application and instructions<https://socialwork.uw.edu/admissions/msw/apply-to-msw> are live and open through January 16th, 2024.
* Students can Book an Advising Appointment<uwsocialwork.youcanbook.me> with a Social Work adviser online.
* Students can view upcoming admissions events here. <https://socialwork.uw.edu/admissions/admissions-calendar>
* To contact SSW Admissions, email uwsocialwork at uw.edu<mailto:uwsocialwork at uw.edu> or call our office: (206)-543-5676.
* Follow us on Instagram<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.instagram.com/uwsocialwork/?hl=en__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!m23WAIFP5zpFCzgW0C3Be2zNI7ghrYA15hwdn-LvMO7AH9bp0GnfYS38k3tqMB_Qbp_CqG63Wa3LCzr0NCrDsBA$> | Sign up for our mailing list<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/socialwork.us12.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=5c2dbec5d4d3472359fb1b956&id=aab47939db__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!m23WAIFP5zpFCzgW0C3Be2zNI7ghrYA15hwdn-LvMO7AH9bp0GnfYS38k3tqMB_Qbp_CqG63Wa3LCzr02WGupEI$>

If you have students who may be interested in Social Work, please send them our way! Thank you and feel free to reach out to me at rreed21 at uw.edu<mailto:rreed21 at uw.edu> with any questions.
Shyla Rose
I am now using my first name Shyla as my preferred name, you are welcome to call me Shyla or Shyla Rose. Thank you for your support!
Admissions & Outreach Specialist
School of Social Work
University of Washington
Follow us on Instagram!<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.instagram.com/uwsocialwork/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!m23WAIFP5zpFCzgW0C3Be2zNI7ghrYA15hwdn-LvMO7AH9bp0GnfYS38k3tqMB_Qbp_CqG63Wa3LCzr06c_iIWA$>
Book an Appointment with me<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/uwsocialwork.youcanbook.me/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!m23WAIFP5zpFCzgW0C3Be2zNI7ghrYA15hwdn-LvMO7AH9bp0GnfYS38k3tqMB_Qbp_CqG63Wa3LCzr0kUSlKZk$>
Zoom Room: https://washington.zoom.us/j/6605919433<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/washington.zoom.us/j/6605919433__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!m23WAIFP5zpFCzgW0C3Be2zNI7ghrYA15hwdn-LvMO7AH9bp0GnfYS38k3tqMB_Qbp_CqG63Wa3LCzr0Yjsts14$>

Mail: Box 354900, Seattle, WA 98195-4900
4101 15th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98105-6299
206.543.6752 / fax 206.685.5398
Rreed21 at uw.edu<mailto:Rreed21 at uw.edu> / www.socialwork.uw.edu<http://www.socialwork.uw.edu/>
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