[Biostudent] HONORS 394C (Could ChatGPT teach this class?) has seats

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Tue Sep 12 14:10:03 PDT 2023

HONORS 394 C: Could ChatGPT teach this class? Exploring the ethical implications of AI (A&H / SSc, W)
Instructor: Amy Piedalue
SLN: 23522<https://sdb.admin.uw.edu/timeschd/uwnetid/sln.asp?QTRYR=AUT+2023&SLN=23522>
M/W, 3:30 PM – 5:20 PM, MEB<https://www.washington.edu/maps/#!/MEB> 248

Course Descripion Summary: Explores ethics of AI through feminist, critical race, post-colonial, and queer theory. Draws on news articles, policy papers, podcasts, documentaries, fictional works on AI, and more to analyze AI in society.

Course Description: ChatGPT could not teach this course…or rather, it should not. But that doesn’t mean that we don’t have a lot to learn from and about artificial intelligence (AI) and generative AI like ChatGPT. The recent explosion of genAI apps and platforms is of course not the beginning, or the end, of the diffusion of AI into our daily lives. Nor are the public debates surrounding the development and public release of this technology ‘new’ exactly. In fact, AI and machine learning (ML) are ubiquitous elements of our 21st century world – both in digital platforms and IRL. At times, it seems that the trajectory of AI development is outpacing the ability of global societies and citizens to both understand the technology and grapple with the ethical challenges it presents. Yet, we have also been actively debating many aspects of AI ethics for decades – in academic and policy circles, in news and public arenas, as well as through literary and cinematic explorations.

This course takes our current public discussions as a starting point for confronting the complexities of an AI-‘powered’ world. Beginning from some current debates – for example the impacts of genAI in the spheres of education and digital art – we will place these issues and concerns within the context of evolving fields of AI ethics, responsible AI, and AI policy. At the same time, we’ll consider the importance of key concepts from critical social theory (i.e. feminist, critical race, post-colonial, and queer theory) as tools to think critically about difference, inequality and social control. We will read, watch, and listen to a variety of materials – from news articles and policy papers, to academic research and TedTalks, to podcasts and documentaries. The course also includes a unit exploring AI ethics through fictional representations of AI. Across these sources and our class discussions, we will consider many questions, including: How do we weigh the potential benefits of AI against the potential risks and harms that AI magnifies, accelerates, or introduces? What is new and what’s familiar about the power dynamics surrounding the development and deployment of AI systems? What is the current state of AI awareness/AI literacy? How can regulations around data privacy and AI help to prevent harm and protect individual rights?

The course will be discussion driven and students will be expected to be actively engaged in classroom & online discussion spaces.

Best regards,
Wien Sillevis Smitt

Pronouns: she/they
Adviser / Counseling Services Coordinator
UW Honors Program, Undergraduate Academic Affairs
Box 352800 / Mary Gates Hall 211 / Seattle, WA 98195
wijss at uw.edu<mailto:wijss at uw.edu> / honors.uw.edu<http://honors.uw.edu/>
Currently working from the Coast Salish, Tulalip, Duwamish and sdukʷalbixʷ (Snoqualmie) ancestral homelands. Where are you <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/native-land.ca/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!iZKfKc3mBX3d6zyhjJWwo8jQQATWHKb8taINXmgFnns7n9u1Nt85GVsTxF54aXMlVmg3pezDhMivpxYj$> working and studying from?

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