[Biostudent] Seats Available in CMS 312 A&H Credit

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Wed Sep 27 13:01:45 PDT 2023

Seats Available in CMS 312 A&H Credit

This is just a notice that more seats have become available for CMS 312: History of Film: 1960 - 1988 this course awards students 5 A&H credits. It also fulfills the core History II requirement for Cinema & Media Studies majors.

Humanities Academic Services

ARIELLE SANTOS, M.Ed. | Academic Counselor
Humanities Academic Services (HAS)

Padelford Hall A-Wing Suite 002-F
206.543.2017 | easantos at uw.edu<mailto:easantos at uw.edu>

To schedule an appointment with me:
Zoom appointment: Click here.<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/go.oncehub.com/HAS-AS__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!lGq0IMgCgwbS4zOttacfKcRJZfjUspu9GGN0Sc0ZflEiLxOPZv6lVPe1tchUP-U09xLbPfyhTQjmjZfMo15ETxME$>
In-person appointment: Click here.<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/go.oncehub.com/HAS-AS-IP__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!lGq0IMgCgwbS4zOttacfKcRJZfjUspu9GGN0Sc0ZflEiLxOPZv6lVPe1tchUP-U09xLbPfyhTQjmjZfMoxXhR7-X$>
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