[Biostudent] Info For Upcoming Virtual Spring Career Fair

BIOLOGY via Biostudent biostudent at u.washington.edu
Tue Apr 23 16:38:23 PDT 2024

WHAT: 2024 Virtual Spring Job & Internship Fair
DATE: Thursday, April 25, 2025
LOCATION: Virtual, via Handshake - https://app.joinhandshake.com/edu/career_fairs/47872<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/app.joinhandshake.com/edu/career_fairs/47872__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!nYy2HgfyrdiSt6aqUWgYf_U8rOlCsOXpigvRVuNjoxZ0Tri3kTDr5Csijpu7Uik5D8Iim5WKs9Tx5OZYbHHWm3rrSlfPOQ1l$>
TIME: 11:30am - 3:00pm

The Virtual Spring Job & Internship Fair is hosting 22 employers who are all excited to meet with UW students to recruit and hire for their available full-time and part-time jobs and internship opportunities<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/uw.joinhandshake.com/stu/postings?added_institution_labels*5B*5D=1085408&page=1__;JSU!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!nYy2HgfyrdiSt6aqUWgYf_U8rOlCsOXpigvRVuNjoxZ0Tri3kTDr5Csijpu7Uik5D8Iim5WKs9Tx5OZYbHHWm3rrSil0bdgZ$>. This fair is open to all majors and school years at all three UW campuses (including graduate students), as well as alumni.

We encourage students and alumni to update their Handshake profiles with recent job, volunteer and coursework experience, as well as a resume for employers to review. Huskies are 5x more likely to receive engagement from employers if they have a completed Handshake profile!

Questions? Email cicevents at uw.edu<mailto:cicevents at uw.edu>. Thank you!

Leah Bothwell
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Employer Engagement & Communication Manager
Career & Internship Center | University of Washington
Direct Line: (206) 685-3180 | C&IC Office: (206) 543-0535

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